Animal Advocates Watchdog

you can help save Vancouver's Crown Jewel campaign

Don't let the Vancouver Parks Board know about this. AND, do not tell Global Television. It would ruin their interfering, do-gooder, you can help save Vancouver's Crown Jewel, raise money so that those attending the Olympics will inadvertently think that BC is really a Green-leader in the world because we restored the Park with all our donations and, at the same time, built even larger pools so that our captive whales would be "comfortable", campaign.

Unheard of! The Earth actually looking after itself, without the aid of humankind!

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THIS JUST IN!! Alberta researchers DISCOVER that ponds are good for the ecosystem!
THIS JUST IN!! Experts say that trees in Stanley Park will grow back without a multi-million $ "recovery" industry!
you can help save Vancouver's Crown Jewel campaign
Has anyone told the City of Langley?
