Animal Advocates Watchdog

A Summation of History Accorded by my dog-friend Gisli

Some points for consideration:

Teilhard de Chardin has postulated that the history of the Earth can be divided into three epochs: the Geoshpere, the Biosphere and the Noossphere. During the Geosphere there was only the Earth. The Biosphere Epoch found the initiation and evolution of life forms. In the Noosspehere that life is moving into the dominance of Mind or Consciousness.

Secondly, a wise and compassionate person from the past has indciated that humans have two enemies: hope and fear. That may seem silly when considered in the context of what most of us have been taught and continue to accept. Fear is usually considered something to be overcome and hope is that which we very often use as motivation for continuing "the struggle". However, if hope is examined carefully, it can very often be discovered to be fear supplanted into the future. "I hope this fear will go away after I have succeeded in what I am doing." Fear will not go away; it has to be used. And hope is a false promise that the future will be better. In reality, all we have is the present moment. There are those who use it, or try to and those who have no idea what the present moment is. Hope and fear cloud the present moment, inevitably. And anything that does that is nefarious.

It is a dominant concept today that Law and Order will solve the dilemmas of the Earth. The fallacy of that should be considered when driving on any roadway in the Lower Mainland. Drive the posted speed and see what happens. Nothing more need be a part of your consideration.

What is the point of these points, you may be asking. Logic and reason, or to give them two different names, those of wisdom and compassion, can only be existent in the present moment. They put the lie to both fear and hope. They contravene the need for Law and Order. I am considering all this in the light of Anthony Marr's reporting of the salaries of some of the persons working in the area of rights (especially the rights of animals) and the post concerning the RSPCA.

My first response is a feeling of hopelessness. Why bother if these people don't get it? I am afraid that all the work is for naught.

But then, something happens. I have the occasion to look into a pair of eyes. I am talking about a past, present moment that changes continually my present moments. I am talking about a past, present moment that is full of logic and reason, wisdom and compassion. I am talking about consciousness and the assertion of mind. I am talking about really looking into Gisli's eyes.
