Animal Advocates Watchdog

The wrong anti-cruelty bill is being promoted in the House! Please help us stop it!

The truth about anti-cruelty legislation

My name is Tamara Chaney and I have collected 111,896 signatures for a
petition that calls for new anti-cruelty legislation. I was moved to do this
because I was horrified by the disgraceful torture of a local dog in my
hometown named Daisy Duke. I am haunted by the image of this poor dog and
the suffering she endured before being mercifully euthanized. As a society
we need to address this issue and make enduring and significant changes to
our laws so that perpetrators of these crimes can be punished as is just,
and so that potential criminals might think twice before committing such a
heinous crime.

We have seen some misguided news reports that this petition supports Bill
S-213. This is simply not true. Bill S-213 is inadequate, which is
illustrated by the following speculation. Let's say that bill S-213 were in
place before Daisy Duke was tortured. If Daisy Duke had been a stray instead
of a family pet, and assuming that the criminals admitted that they did
torture this animal, they would not have legally committed any crime. This
is because a stray is not "property", and animals would only be protected if
they are owned as "property." My petition clearly asks for S-213 to be

We are disheartened that Conservative MP Myron Thompson has mistakenly
confused the work and minimized the value of the 111,896 Canadians who
signed my petition. I would appreciate it if you could help us set the
record straight.

What the petition calls for is modern and enforceable anti-cruelty

Anti-cruelty legislation like bill C-373. Bill C-373 is the reincarnation of
a previous government bill most recently also known as C-50.

Despite overwhelming public support for this bill, it continues to be
blocked by many politicians. Some have even claimed that bill C-373 would
stop farmers from branding their livestock as well as prevent fishermen from
using live bait. Both claims are completely false. The bill is carefully
worded to permit accepted animal industry practices, hunting and fishing and
existing Aboriginal Rights. It is legislation that makes a positive
difference for animals without changing people's normal and everyday lives
at all. It is good legislation.

Bill C-3737 is not second rate legislation like bill S-213. Bill S-213 is a
decoy legislation that is designed to make the Government appear as if it is
addressing issues that the public wants dealt with, but in actuality will do
little to protect animals. It leaves unchanged some of the biggest flaws of
the current legislation, including the exclusion of wildlife and strays.

If we care about animals at all we must write to our Senators and ask them
to throw the weak and ineffectual Bill that is S-213 into the garbage where
it belongs. Additionally, we must demand honest representation from our
Members of Parliament. Bill S-213 is expected to have its first reading
soon. Please don't let Daisy's suffering be in vain.

Visit to learn more about Canada's animal cruelty legislation
and please write to your MP today calling for the rejection of S-213! Before
it's too late.


Tamara Chaney


Messages In This Thread

MP Myron Thompson presents "Daisy Duke" petitions to the House *LINK*
Check out article in Calgary Herald *LINK*
PLEASE SEE THIS EMERGENCY UPDATE to help stop BAD animal cruelty legislation
The wrong anti-cruelty bill is being promoted in the House! Please help us stop it!
Say No to Bill S-213 now! *LINK*
