Animal Advocates Watchdog

Life-time SPCA member can't get answers about costs of lawsuits

The Harbour City Star, Nanaimo
The Editor:
Re.: "SPCA deserves millions for the work they do"
By Jan Smith, Nanaimo.
I must congratulate Jan Smith on the excellent letter put forward, speaking very positively for the SPCA.
I have a life time membership with the SPCA and have been politically involved as well as hands-on.
What Jan Smith omitted to say is, that the Nanaimo SPCA shelter is staffed and operated by the most dedicated, selfless and animal loving people I have ever seen and was fortunate to work with. That staff and their volunteers quite often work miracles for the welfare of their animals and do that under most trying conditions.
However, there is also an other matter Jan Smith has not mentioned, and that is the fact that the BC SPCA has launched legal proceedings against at least one other animal welfare society, namely the "Animal Advocates", who have accused the BC SPCA, by way of constructive criticism, of numerous alleged wrongdoing's concerning animals and humans.
Instead of working together and in harmony with other animal welfare groups, especially those who provide constructive criticism, the SPCA launches legal assaults to hurt those, without whose help it would be totally overwhelmed by sheer numbers of animals in need of care.
It is my belief, that these legal actions are financed with monies donated by the public for the wellbeing of animals.
In February of 2005, I, as a donor and life time member, have asked, via E-mail, the CEO of the BC SPCA to let me know how much of donated monies has and will be spent on legal actions against other animal welfare organizations. I received confirmation that my E-mail had been received, however, to this day I am still awaiting an answer.
I have since withdrawn my financial support for the SPCA and I know of other sad and disenchanted people who have done the same.
I know, that in doing so, I may be withdrawing support for needy animals, but I believe such legal proceedings, the SPCA unleashes, are wrong, uncalled for and most harmful to those "Who can not speak for themselves"

Robert Brodgesell
Ladysmith, BC.
