Animal Advocates Watchdog

My two beautiful dogs came from those “critics living in dreamland who offer no practical alternatives”

These “radical and unreasonable small groups”, or “sanctity of life nuts” are simply working at a grassroots level to try to effect change in the way society treats animals, because no one else seems to be doing it. This is certainly not an easy task, but a look at how the San Francisco SPCA evolved over 20 years ago demonstrates that it can be done:

Their innovative director gave up the animal control contract so that the SPCA could live up to its mandate of preventing cruelty to animals, rather than killing them on a massive scale. As he said, “You can’t be the animal’s best friends and be their principal killer.” Despite giving up a $1.8 million contract, the San Francisco SPCA more than made up for that loss with increased donations from a public that wanted to support an organization that does real animal welfare, rather than act as chief animal executioner and pooper scooper enforcer.

By the way, I have two beautiful dogs living in my home that were given a second chance at life by some of those “critics living in dreamland who offer no practical alternatives.” These people are my heroes.
