Animal Advocates Watchdog

Please take action NOW for the seals! As they bleed and drag themselves across the ice

Please take action NOW for the seals! As they bleed and drag themselves across the ice, the Canadian government insists that the slaughter is "humane"!

Not only that, but Canadian media is notoriously slanted in favour of seal killers and their political supporters. Canadians who oppose the slaughter do not have a voice within their own country.

With recent developments against the seal slaughter throughout Europe, letters to international media from caring Canadians can have an influential impact on millions of Europeans to encourage their governments to act on trade bans. Additionally, citizens from around the globe can voice their opposition to the annual carnage in Canada.

Click on the link below, and you will find a list of the most influential media by country. At the bottom of the media contacts webpage, "click on this database link" to access additional European media outlets.

Video evidence of cruelty speaks more than a thousand words. Please include the following link in your correspondence: . Inexcusable brutality to animals can be viewed here, as well as proof that sealers are breaking Canadian law by clubbing whitecoats.

As phrased by lawyer Clayton Ruby, the seal slaughter is "cruel, criminal, and out of control". Nothing has changed since he made that statement!

Please forward this message widely and post on listserves.
