Animal Advocates Watchdog

The product was obviously hesitant to reach the end of the chute

I personally experience a considerable amount of emotional distress everytime I think about what cows and chickens and turkeys and pigs go through during their lifetimes, especially on the way to the "killing fields". Last night on Global National, scenes of cows herded into the chutes that deliver them to the humane slaughterers were prominently displayed while the macho ranchers discussed, for the interviewer and us, how elated they were that they were receiving higher prices for their product. The product was obviously hesitant to reach the end of the chute and this caused me a great deal of emotional discomfort. Either all animals are product OR none are. I want to be compensated for this emotional distress. I want to be compensated by YOU putting your fork into a soy or vegetable sausage.

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Wall Street Journal: How Much Is Your Dog's Life Worth?
The product was obviously hesitant to reach the end of the chute
Animal rights and animal law courses in academia have rapidly expanded
Why did the chicken cross the road? To see an attorney, of course.
