Animal Advocates Watchdog

Stopping Iceland's brutal whaling fleet *LINK* *PIC*

Sea Shepherd Heads North to Protect Whales

In October 2006, after 20 years of compliance, Iceland began to violate the International Whaling Commission's global moratorium on whaling and gave only a one-day notice before killing a whale. In order to defend the beautiful whales that Iceland is targeting, Sea Shepherd crews are heading north towards Iceland with our vessel, the Farley Mowat, with the mission of stopping Iceland's brutal whaling fleet.

We are calling this campaign Operation Ragnarök. This is an old Nordic word that means "doom or destruction of the powers." We intend to take our intervention to the land of the Norse - straight to the coast of Iceland - for a confrontation with the outlaw Icelandic whaling operations.

Iceland has issued themselves a quota of 9 endangered fin whales and 30 piked (Minke) whales to brutally slaughter before August 31, 2007 - in addition to their bogus lethal "scientific research" program which targets another 39 piked whales.
