Animal Advocates Watchdog

Colin Mastin got jail time for hurting the Vancouver Pound worker, but not for punching his dog

It seems clear that Colin Mastin got jail time for hurting the Vancouver Pound worker, but not for punching his dog.

Judge Thomas Gove did not think that Mastin intended to hurt his dog, but the way he hurt Pound worker Ley was outrageous.
WHAT is it you are intending to do when you repeatedly punch a dog? I would think that the answer is crystal clear.

The Crown attorney wanted a a 10 year prohibition on Mastin owning an animal - but that didn't happen, in spite of the fact that Mastin apparently only apologized for hurting the Pound worker, but not his dog, despite the fact that Crown said he has not exhibited remorse and has denied the need for change.

Poor dog! (And yes, I am sorry that the Pound worker was injured also - but at least Mastin has been ordered to stay away from her).

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Colin Mastin got jail time for hurting the Vancouver Pound worker, but not for punching his dog
