Animal Advocates Watchdog

When I receive a solicitation from one of the 'cruel' charities...

Once again, PETA has come up with the perfect vehicle with which the public can voice their objection to vivisection. They have pamphlets and other printed sheets that explain to the various charities that continue to test on animals, why one is not donating to their cause.
When I receive a solicitation from one of the 'cruel' charities or organizations, I simply put a pamphlet or sticker in their envelope and return it to them.
Hopefully, if enough of us continue to switch our support to non-cruelty research, the others will get the message and change to the humane testing methods.

Messages In This Thread

The Lifeforce Image Gallery has a wide range of photographic images of violations of animal rights
When I receive a solicitation from one of the 'cruel' charities...
