Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA rabbits at Petcetera - "adoption" standards questioned

Perhaps some here will recall the correstpondence I had with Petcetera's office in May, 2007. They stated that they were no longer 'selling' rabbits, but were 'adopting' them on behalf of the SPCA.
When I inquired regarding their adoption policies ie screening potential adoptors, they replied that "all the adoption forms are supplied by the BCSPCA and their policy and procedure is followed".
Obviously, that means that one has only to give the answers that look good on the forms and is able to then walk away with bunnies.
It will be interesting to see if or how Petcetera responds to the petition. Obviously, they are very happy to pass the buck back to SPCA.

Messages In This Thread

Petition and letter to stop rabbit sales in pet stores *PIC*
SPCA rabbits at Petcetera - "adoption" standards questioned
