Animal Advocates Watchdog

Tips for Monday 19 @7 PM Park Board Whale Referendum Meeting

Please help get Vancouver elected officials to agree to hold a Whale
Referendum by you signing up to speak at the upcoming Park Board meeting
on Monday night at 7pm.

Everybody who signs up gets 5 minutes to speak, which means you can read
2-3 long paragraphs in that short time.

You must sign up to speak before Monday 19th at noon.

Phone the Park Board at 604-257-8452 and lesve your name and the fact you
want to speak to the Whale Referendum motion.

And do show up even if you are not signed up to speak. The Park Board
needs to see there is interest in helping the whales.


1. Always direct all your comments to the Chairman ("Good evening, Mr.
Chairman";"Thank you, Mr. Chairman", etc.) Let him tell you when to start
and when you are done and can leave. Don't bolt out of the chair the
minute you are done because the Commissioners might have questions after
you finish speaking.

2. Be polite and respectful to all commissioners. No insults. No
rowdiness. Let the Aquarium staff be rude and loud as usual, something
that angers the Park Board Commissioners to no end.

3. Applause, polite Boos, and comments from the audience sometimes help,
but be careful how you come across. Remember, you are NOT an activist, you
are a member of the public speaking to your elected officials, which is a
much more powerful political position to be in.

4. The media will be out in full force at the meeting. If they approach
you and you DON'T want to be interviewed, please direct the media to the
following 2 spokespeople: Annelies McConnachie-Howarth of WhaleFriends and
Kelly Bunting of No Whales In Captivity.

5. The meeting will be held at the Park Board Office: Monday July 19, 2010
at 7:00pm, 2099 Beach Avenue, Vancouver. Drive West on Beach Avenue and as
you enter Stanley Park you will see a brown building to your right. Turn
right by the tennis courts and there are several parking lots adjacent to
the Park Board offices. You can get there by bus, too!

6. Important point to make: Vancouverites have a democratic right to be
consulted in regards to the issue of whales in captivity through a public
plebiscite or referendum in the next civic election to be held November
2011. That's all we are asking!

6. For more information, please visit

Thanks for caring and please stay tuned!

Annelise Sorg
No Whales In Captivity

Messages In This Thread

ACTION ALERT: Park Board to vote on whale and dolphin plebiscite Monday July 19, 7 pm
Georgia Straight poll *LINK*
No Whales In Captivity urging referendum since 1994
Tips for Monday 19 @7 PM Park Board Whale Referendum Meeting
Georgia Straight: Life and death in a toilet bowl for captive dolphins *LINK*
