Animal Advocates Watchdog

Sign petition to condemn this cruelty *LINK* *PIC*

Condemn the parasailing donkey stunt!Target:Governor Alexander Nikolayevich Tkachev, Krasnodar.Sponsored by: Juliane Pohl.Outrage has spread around the world after a donkey was buckled into a harness and launched into the air and out over the sea by a parasail. This sickening stunt was used to promote a private beach resort on the Sea of Azov in Southern Russia and lasted for half an hour.

We are shocked by the cruel and irresponsible behaviour of the people behind this "advertising" campaign in Russia. The donkey would have been extremely distressed, suffering immeasurable fear and pain. This should never have happened.
We condemned this sickening act!

We demand that Russian officials should investigate and the organisers of the stunt must face animal cruelty charges.Outrage has spread around the world after a donkey was buckled into a harness and launched into the air and out over the sea by a parasail. This sickening stunt was used to promote a private beach resort on the Sea of Azov in Southern Russia and lasted for half an hour.

We are shocked by the cruel and irresponsible behaviour of the people behind this "advertising" campaign in Russia. The donkey would have been extremely distressed, suffering immeasurable fear and pain. This should never have happened.
We condemned this sickening act!

We demand that Russian officials should investigate and the organisers of the stunt must face animal cruelty charges.Dear Governor Tkachev,

We the undersigned are appalled at the cruel and irresponsible behaviour of the people behind this "advertising" campaign in Russia. We condemned this sickening act!

We expect that Russian officials investigate and the organisers of the stunt have to face animal cruelty charges.

Thank for taking time to read our letter.signature
goal: 1,000


Messages In This Thread

Terrified, crying donkey forced to parasail for advertising stunt *PIC*
Sign petition to condemn this cruelty *LINK* *PIC*
Terror and pain
Thank you so much everyone for adding your cry for compassion to the donkey's cries of terror
People who enjoy watching suffering animals should be charged too
The staggering inhumanity
I live with several donkeys who definitely dislike water *LINK*
How we treat the powerless is a measure of our humanity
These kinds of cretins also like dog fights and cock fights
This stunt sure wouldn't tempt me to buy whatever they're trying to sell
That donkey would be home with me right now if I lived closer
I have a fear of heights
Russia's parasailing donkey to fly no more
