Animal Advocates Watchdog

FIV cat taken in by Forgotten Felines after SPCA refuses it. "It saddens me to know that this cat is probably now in the hands of the SPCA" *LINK*

Ironically, last month I took a cat with FIV to Forgotten Felines because the SPCA (Vancouver location) TOLD ME "THEY WOULD NOT TAKE IN ANY CAT WITH FIV AS THEY DON'T HAVE THE FACILITIES FOR THEM", and all other cat shelters (with the exception of Katie's Place) told me they already had too many cats and could not take in anymore.

For two months I took care of this lost cat and worked hard trying to find its original owner, then a new home, then a trustworthy cat rescue shelter. All the shelters begged me not to take it to the SPCA as they believed it would be euthanized and only one shelter told me not to take it to Forgotten Felines. Their reason: "She (I imagine they were referring to Penny) doesn't know when to stop taking in animals." It saddens me to know that this cat is probably now in the hands of the SPCA.

I believe the trap, spay/neuter, then release program is the best option (even better than cat rescue shelters) because perhaps if people see these thousands of stray cats roaming around in their backyards/streets they will wake up and notice we have a huge problem on our hands. By hiding them away in shelters people take the attitude "out of sight, out of mind".

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FIV cat taken in by Forgotten Felines after SPCA refuses it. "It saddens me to know that this cat is probably now in the hands of the SPCA" *LINK*
I encourage you to contact the SPCA to ask what they have done with that cat
Don't hold your breath
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SPCA suggests I call Penny
Why the mystery?
Too many animals simply disappear
