Animal Advocates Watchdog

I was biten by all 5 dogs

I was the victim of the Hall Harris attack in Aug 08. This attack has left my dog lame in one leg. Todate this attack has cost me $6500.00

Test these dogs? Come on! I was biten by all 5 dogs. How would you feel if your kids or friends where attacked and later you find out this dog has a history of attack. How would this make you feel? These animals need to be destroyed.

I called the SPCA 1 week prior to my attack, to complain about a guy living in a van on my street in the heat of summer with 5 pit bulls. I lived in an area with tons of kids. It was a ticking time bomb. 1 Week later I was being attacked by these animals. Do I blame the animals? No! But they have been taught unexceptable behaviour. You can not teach a dog to unbite. Needless to say I was pretty upset to see a lawyer hired to get these dogs off death row. I am sorry none of you where there to see the attack and how vicious it was. Hall Harris did nothing to stop the attack in fact he incouraged them by not trying to stop it. I did what ever I had to do to protect myself and my loved ones. If you where in my shoes you would do the same. Or maybe you would have just sat and watched you dog killed. Then watch Hall pack up his dogs and drive away. Terrible to say the least. I had also meet the woman who's dog was killed in White Rock by Hall Harris's dogs. Her story was terrible. At least my dog and I survived. She was not so lucky. It's too bad none of you tried to contact me to get the real story on the attack instead of assuming you have all the details. Your efforts to assist these animals turns my stomach. I hope your proud of what you doing and how it effects the victims.

Messages In This Thread

Lawyer prevents destruction order: The SPCA was in Surrey Provincial court Thursday trying to have the dogs destroyed *LINK*
BC SPCA says all its Pit Bulls tested. Did the SPCA test the Harris Pit Bulls?
Read background, photos, video *LINK* *PIC*
Write Mayor Diane Watts and Council
The SPCA's Destruction Application was for four dogs. CTV says only three were represented in court today. What happened to the 4th? *LINK*
Or was the puppy spared after there was bad p.r. about the SPCA applying to kill a puppy? *LINK*
Surrey Leader: Lawyer forces City/SPCA to get independent assessment *LINK* *PIC*
Vancouver Sun, Ian Mulgrew: SPCA has already killed one of the Harris Pit Bulls
The Province: The numbers of dogs is puzzling *LINK*
Why is a private animal-lover having to hire lawyers to protect dogs, some only puppies, from the SPCA?
The BC SPCA/City of Surrey Land Deal *LINK*
Thank goodness that a lawyer was hired who is not reluctant to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. But why is the BC SPCA silent?
Here's an interesting comment: Mayor Diane Watts says the Surrey SPCA is no kill
I was biten by all 5 dogs
