Animal Advocates Watchdog

Picasso ends up dead *PIC*

The next day, I went back to Burnaby Mtn at 5am and did not see him. I contacted the SPCA to see if they had caught him but, they had not gone back to the Park that night. After work, at around 2:30pm, I went back to the Park. I found 'Picasso' curled up in a ball, in the bushes. I was able, after a lot of work (over an hour or two), to get him into my vehicle, using food. When he put his front paws into the rear floor of my vehicle, I pushed him into my vehicle and called Burnaby SPCA to come and get him.

Long story shortened, he was at Burnaby SPCA from November till March. I wanted to adopt him, early on but, was not allowed as I already have two dogs. As well, I wanted to foster him but, when he was a little nippy with one of my dogs tail, they would not allow it. (even though I offered to take him as long as he was muzzled or until he could be trained) Months went by, before a behavioural assessment was done and Picasso was very upset being stuck in a the SPCA kennels. My partner and I attended to him any chance we could get. Picasso had some big fear issues regarding his collar. It was obvious to me that he had been abused, most likely, by a man. I took Picasso on several walks, on leash, and I NEVER had any problems. He even responded to me making him go around objects on leash, asking him to sit and to take treats nicely.

I was happy to see that Picasso had been adopted by a couple who I heard, had a lot of experience with his breed. Unfortunately, they returned him two days later, to Burnaby SPCA after he lunged at the male in the house. Why the assistance of a trainer or dog behaviourist wasn't obtained, I don't know! In any case, Picasso ended up back at Burnaby SPCA. Right around the same time, I had made a new contact with a person who rehabilitates aggressive dogs. I contacted her and asked if she'd be willing to assist with Picasso. She said she'd be happy to take him, in one week, to work with him. For whatever personal reasons, SPCA did not want this person's assistance. Instead, they called another behaviourist to help. The behaviourist said that Picasso had no major issues and that he only had minor issues that could be fixed with some training, and with the right person. The couple that adopted him previously, called up Burnaby SPCA and decided that they wanted Picasso back. So, the SPCA gave him back. After two days, Picasso was returned to Burnaby SPCA after he cut the male owner in the hand. (again, Picasso had issues with his collar) SPCA told me that they were hoping to find him a more appropriate home. (in my opinion, he needed to be on a farm or in a home with a female) Instead, I find out today, that he has been put down. I'm appalled, disgusted, upset, angry and very disappointed with Burnaby SPCA. My partner and I would have helped other friend, was willing to assist with rehabilitating him...WHY would they put a dog down when there are still options????? I don't understand this. I'm actually soo mad that I'll most likely write a letter to the newspaper to tell them what SPCA has done. I have been an avid supporter of SPCA for partner and I have donated over $500 in food, toys and donations in the past 6 months. I'm soo mad.......and I just don't understand why you would put Picasso down when there were still options. As well, I'm VERY upset that no one thought to contact me! I would never have allowed Picasso to have been put down and I don't feel this was fair to him. The SPCA failed in a huge way. SPCA is supposed to PREVENT CRUELTY and I don't believe this was the case with Picasso. If anything, they gave him hope only to take it away and made things much worse for him.

For Picasso, he deserved better and why I rescued him and gave him over to SPCA....I will NEVER do this again!

Messages In This Thread

"Picasso": How SPCA dog control/disposal contacts continue to cause harm to the SPCA's reputation and loss of donations
Nichola tries to catch Picasso and emails the Burnaby SPCA when she is unsuccessful *PIC*
The BC SPCA's mandate is to protect animals from people, not to protect people from animals
Picasso ends up dead *PIC*
A shelter is no place to assess a dog
Picasso was a threat to contracts, a dupe to convenience
Volunteers had to quit
What did BC SPCA Head Office tell Nichola?
That statement contradicts the words of Mr Busch's boss, CEO Craig Daniell *LINK*
New photo of the late "Picasso" *NM* *PIC*
I thought the SPCA was in the saving business
It makes me sad to know that I could have helped
