Animal Advocates Watchdog

Picking at the scab

.....I know I may get flack for this post (but I have to get it off my chest ;-)

I feel bad for Duke and I hope he does have a better future than being shot...BUT...

Why do people respond to a post like this about a dog (I am referring to other places this has been posted not here on AAS) but if you replaced *dog* with *rabbit* people would be emailing their support - let's shoot him and feed him to the homeless.

I only ask because the same thing recently made the headlines when it was a *feral* rabbit causing the problem and people couldn't empathize - yet it being a *feral* dog and it's a whole different story.

Why the double standard....why is one valued more than the other?

(And don't get me wrong...I see both sides as I started out volunteering with dogs.)

Messages In This Thread

Gunning for Duke: Wild dog and his pack are the terrors of Cowichan Valley
This is not the first time the SPCA has blamed Natives for being "uncooperative"
Big Heart Rescue Sterilization/Vaccination Program on Thetis and Kuper Islands *LINK*
The SPCA could take lessons from Big Heart Rescue on how it's done *LINK*
BHR Returns From Bella Bella/Denny Island: When Animal Welfare Is Holistic, It Works! *LINK* *PIC*
The SPCA chose to sue the president of Big Heart Rescue instead *LINK*
Duke will probably be killed one way or the other
Picking at the scab
There are no feral animals. The ones that are not domesticated are FREE!
We have rehabilitated many dog off the reserve
It's only a matter of time before he's murdered
I called the SPCA about one incident on a reserve near Kamloops
