Animal Advocates Watchdog

"If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen"

Angela Fredrickson's posting lacks any real coherence. Frustration, yes, but that's something all people in animal rescue/welfare feel daily.

But she seems more concerned about the financial and personal hardships she undergoes in her efforts than the plight of the hapless animls who die in the gas chamber. I know many people who fight the rescue-battle daily, but everyone does so without complaint. We all know the old saying, "If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen".

Is it difficult to put a feral down ? Of course it is, but that doesn't mean they should be gassed. Injections can be administered on ferals, albeit not always without difficulty. Various stages can be taken in order to minimize the trauma. Hell, I worked in a vet hospital for years, and assisted in countless dog and cat destructions, including feral cats and highly aggressive dogs. And each and every one was, if not flawlessly done, considerably more humane and closer to the true meaning of euthanasia than is the gas chamber.

Quote, "The vets won't euthanize a 'perfectly' healthy animal...." Utter nonsense. It happens all too frequently.

And again, quote, "Coastal is not gassing perfectly adoptable animals...." In the first place, the percentage of "perfectly adoptable animals", whether dogs, cats, or any other species, I'm certain is very low. All one has to do is visit any SPCA branch or a pound/shelter to realize that. Then again, consider the particular gassing technology used. For that I refer the reader to the original GoPetition as well as the HSUS position on the matter:

Finally, quote, "It's the whole 'not in my backyard' mentality!!" Please, acquaint yourself with more of those nameless, faceless people who do whatever and whenever they can to help alleviate the horror of pet over population. The 'backyard' is not regional. It belongs to all concerned people.

Messages In This Thread

Stop North Cowichan Cats From Being Gassed to Death *LINK*
HSUS Appropriate Use of Carbon Monoxide for Animal Euthanasia *LINK*
Vicki Boutilier interview on CHEK TV tonight at 5/6 p.m.
Isn't this what the Nazis used to find when they opened the gas chambers?
1000 - 1500 kittens are gassed every year at Duncan Animal Control *LINK*
Nanaimo Animal Shelter kills by gassing too
Another issue that should be brought forth in this debate
Here are the following statistics for the year 2008 on the number of cats euthanized for the City of Duncan
Sue Hughes?
If it is only 7 lives...
Something is very disturbing about that sentence
Re: 1000 - 1500 kittens are gassed every year at Duncan Animal Control
Coastal is not gassing perfectly adoptable animals
Does your store sell animals?
Ferals are sedated prior to handling..
Wonder where the BCSPCA sits on this?
"If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen"
