Cheech -  the Dog Who Got Away
On June 16th, 2004, Cheech Was Rescued From the Delta SPCA by  Brave Volunteers and Staff to Stop the SPCA From Killing Him.

Cheech at the Delta SPCA

AAS's assessment in streaming video of Cheech that proves the SPCA's assessments were rigged

CHEECH IN THE NEWS!  Cheech's media page - TV, radio, newspapers, press releases

Letters From Cheech - Having the time of my life!

Posted By: Cheech <>
Date: Wednesday, 7 July 2004, at 7:13 a.m.

Hi everyone! I am having so much fun every day in my new home. I sleep with James, the nice young man in this family (which I am now a part of!) and Simon the cat who was also rescued from an SPCA so we have a lot of scary stories to share. And when I met my new Dad for the first time, I was feeling so happy that I gave him a big kiss and he said, "I thought this dog hated men", and then he patted me all over and tugged on my ears.
I just love my new family, they are SO nice to me. I sleep on James's bed, and he says I sleep funny 'cause I like to lie on my back with all my feet up in the air. That's okay, though, I get to wash James's face every morning until he wakes up. I wash him until he starts laughing, and that makes me so happy that I can't stop wiggling. I do a lot of happy wiggling these days actually, now that I think about it. I can't recall ever being so happy in all my life as I am here with my new family.
I have a whole bunch of toys, but I like frisbee and balls the best. AND I got to go to the water and swim already, and that was the best! We're gonna do that some more!
Yesterday some little dogs chased me at the park. They kinda ganged up on me and they were really pretty scary all together in a bunch like that, so I ran away really quickly with my tail between my legs. Mom was laughing, but she did rescue me.
At night me and my new family watch TV, and just hang out, and I got to try microwave popcorn for the first time. Boy is that ever good! But I am always very careful to take only what is offered to me and to take it very gently. My new mom says that I am the most polite dog she's ever met. I'm glad that she likes me, and dad too, and James, because if I couldn't live here with them I would be so terribly upset. I am so very very happy here, I can't bear to even think of how I used to live back at the dog dump, stuck in my cell with all the other scared and lonely dogs, waiting for someone to save me.
But someone did save me, and I want them to know that I am so VERY VERY grateful. Troy, Kirsten, and Amanda, and my other friends back where I was in jail (you know who you are) I miss you all, and I truly hope that one day I may see you again, but my new mom says that it will have to be a long time in the future because you really did save my life, and if The Wardens find me they will kill me. (And my new cat friend Simon... well he knows about The Wardens too, and he said I better just listen to mom and be patient.)
So I'm writing to let you all know that I'm alive and very well, and having the time of my life! I'll write again soon, as every day is an exciting new adventure!
Lots of love, and wiggles, and licks,

A free and happy Cheech

Hey I Was on TV Again!

Posted By: Cheech <>
Date: Wednesday, 7 July 2004, at 11:42 a.m.

And guess what? The Head of The Wardens said he wasn't looking for me anymore! I guess that means he doesn't want to kill me anymore? Gee, THAT'S a relief! I wonder why he changed his mind...

Oh well, no matter. This is great because now I can spend more time roaring around in the water, which is my favourite! Tennis balls float, did you know that? AND did you know that when apricots fall off trees they make a dull THUNK sound? Now microwave popcorn is great. So is cat food. But ripe apricots - oh boy! I got all the ones off the ground in jiffy, so now I have to stand under the tree waiting for more, and it's really quite frightening if they THUNK too close to me, and I jump out of my skin and dart off, but I just have to turn around and go right back to find them. I could spend all day just standing in the shade watching the apricots fall. Mom thinks this is hilarious, and tells me she's so happy that I now have "freedom to express normal behaviour".

Gotta go now, James is opening a can of cat food. Simon gets it all (cats ALWAYS get their own way) but I get to lick the spoon!
Kisses to all of you!

Lots and lots of love and wiggles,


Don’t ever let them find you – you deserve what you have now not what the SPCA was going to do to you
Cindy Elmquist -- Wednesday, 7 July 2004, at 11:50 a.m.
Hey Cheech, so glad to hear from you!! The scariest time of all is when The Wardens come to take one or more of us away
Gail Ferraro -- Wednesday, 7 July 2004, at 11:55 a.m.
I miss you Cheech but glad you are safe
Mocha -- Wednesday, 7 July 2004, at 11:59 a.m.
BB sent the cheese twists you love
Calvin And Lizzie -- Wednesday, 7 July 2004, at 12:03 p.m.

Another sacrificial lamb led to the altar of SPCA power politics: Cheech almost pays the price
Date: Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 7:25 a.m.

Yesterday morning AAS was phoned by a frantic five-year Delta SPCA volunteer who we will call B.B. She begged us to somehow stop the killing of an eight-month old pup named Cheech who was scheduled for destruction sometime that day. Here is what we were told by B.B.

Cheech is a Lab Rottweiler who had been chained from the age of eight weeks, probably at a grow-op, and who had been brought to the Delta SPCA sometime in April. His temperament was essentially cheerful, trusting, and very affectionate, but at first he was fearful of men and rough behaviour, very common in dogs that have been abused. He expressed his fear only verbally, by growling - clear dog-speak for wanting you to stop whatever you are doing.

He has not ever bitten anyone. He has never been a danger to anyone.

B.B. told us that before the installation by CEO Craig Daniell of Michelle Rodgers, as manager, the staff at the Delta SPCA had created the best, most humane SPCA in the province. Since the advent of Rodgers, staff felt they were being discouraged from doing their best for the animals and tensions built.

When Cheech first arrived at the Delta SPCA he was put through a Dog Temperament Assessment Test (DTAT) which he passed easily, being assessed at level "yellow",an adoptable level with a bit of training. Recommendations were made to help him with fear anxiety.

(B.B. also told us some shocking details of disappearing money, which we will reveal in a sub post.)

We next phoned Delta SPCA's volunteer professional trainer, who we will call A.C., who told us that she too had assessed Cheech as rehabilitatible who only needed a bit more time and work. She too was trying to stop Rodgers from killing Cheech.

We pieced together the series of events that led to the destruction order. Cheech was doing well and was sometimes allowed in the front office until one day a man came into the SPCA carrying a rabbit. We were told that Manager Rodgers either roughly grabbed Cheech by the collar or pulled roughly on his lead to get him out of the public area. In the hubbub and stress, Cheech growled at Rodgers in objection. He did not bite and he went were he was being led, but from that moment it is our understanding that Cheech was doomed.

Rodgers called in the SPCA's Head Office dog assessors for a "scientific" justification for killing Cheech, which she got. We were told that Barry McKnight, large and uniformed, went into Cheech's kennel with an object, probably a grooming brush and Cheech attacked the object. McKnight told Rodgers that Cheech needed more work but the decision was up to her.

Another long-time dog rescuer told us that Rodgers does not have a clue about dog behaviour, asking her for advice about her own aggressive dog. We can state unequivocally that almost no SPCA staff know or have ever known what a dog's behaviour means, and nor do they care to learn. Even now SPCA web sites tell adoptors to crate or isolate dogs that suffer from separation anxiety - blatant stupidity and cruelty.

We then phoned Manager Rodgers, who acknowledged AAS's reputation for successful rehabilitation of dogs like Cheech. We stated repeatedly and clearly our offer to foster Cheech at our expense and to rehabilitate him. We asked her to consider our offer and to postpone the destruction of Cheech.

Twenty minutes later we were phoned by long-time Delta SPCA worker Amanda Muir. Amanda is one of the staff who is responsible for all the humane improvements that were made before the advent of Daniell/Rodgers. Amanda is also the fearless and compassionate person who was attacked by a guard dog last year and had both her arms badly injured. She never once blamed the dog. She has been on WCB leave since the attack but continued to volunteer daily at the Delta SPCA.

Twenty minutes after our offer to Rodgers we were phoned by a fearful Amanda telling us that the order to destroy would not be postponed or rescinded. We asked her to quickly remind Rodgers of our involvement and told her that we were going to immediately phone CEO Craig Daniell.

We did and we stated the whole case and repeated our offer to foster Cheech several times. We asked him to phone Rodgers and tell her to postpone the destruction order until our offer could be considered and to get more input from trainers and volunteers. He would not promise us anything.

Daniell phoned us back shortly and told us that Bob Busch, General Manager Operations was on his way to the Delta SPCA. Daniell would not tell us if Cheech's life would be spared.

Then we were phoned from the SPCA parking lot by another long-time volunteer who we will call D.W., frantically telling us that Mark Thakur, Manager Vancouver SPCA had arrived and that Cheech was about to be led into the euthanasia room. Daniell had sent in his troops! We gave her the phone number of CTV and told her to phone quickly.

Soon after Cheech was removed by someone who took him to the Tsawwassen Animal Hospital because of a sore leg that the SPCA had ignored. The female vet there was asked if she would euthanize Cheech if the SPCA asked her to. She replied unequivocally that she would not, that Cheech was clearly a fine dog.

Cheech was then taken to a private home.

The SPCA's own web site says "Cheech adores to play with toys, balls and is a happy and active pup" *LINK* *PIC*
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:14 a.m.
The SPCA sent the police to get Cheech to bring him back to be killed
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:41 a.m.
Delta Volunteer's Fundraising is Disappearing and Unaccounted For at Head Office
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 9:13 a.m.
CTV News at 6 *LINK*
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:52 a.m.
SPCA Spinmistress jumps in
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 9:00 a.m.
Typically, the SPCA can't get its stories straight
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 9:07 a.m.
AAS official offer to foster Cheech
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 9:19 a.m.
The "LONG LIST OF LIES" get longer: Is this the best the SPCA can do? Death or prison?
Emma Vandewetering -- Friday, 18 June 2004, at 8:20 p.m.
Confusion and Mayhem Reign at the Delta SPCA
Lynda Miller -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 10:08 a.m.
Mr Daniell: You Should Be Applauding Amanda and the Volunteers For Caring Enough to Stop This Needless Death
Jenn Wagnor -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:15 a.m.
SPCA Puts the Boots to the Angels of Mercy
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 10:33 a.m.
Victoria has also been torpedoed *LINK*
Carol Sonnex -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:03 a.m.
The BC SPCA Knows No Compassion
Carol Sonnex -- Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 3:37 p.m.
CAMP is working as designed
Joann Bessler -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 11:16 a.m.
What about other SPCA animals?
Lavone Zeviar -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:22 p.m.
Here's what's happening to other animals in the SPCA's so-called "care"
Pat Bentley -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:33 p.m.
Once Its Shining Star, the SPCA Now Seeks to Shoot Down Award Winning Amanda Muir For Saving a Dog's Life
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 5:35 p.m.
CTV New Thurs: The SPCA insists it will kill a pup that has never bitten anyone
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:20 p.m.
The SPCA, in its twisted, control-mad rage, is going to hunt down a pup and is going to stick a needle in it and watch it die
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 8:43 p.m.
The SPCA has sold dogs that are so dangerous they have be euthanized by their purchasers
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 9:25 p.m.
There is not a court house big enough to hold all the people who know what the SPCA is and have been waiting for this chance
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 9:07 p.m.
The SPCA is great with figures - except it doesn't know how many animals it killed and it won't account for millions of dollars
Emma Vandewetering -- Friday, 18 June 2004, at 6:23 a.m.
Less than two months of rehab ?
Lana Simon -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 10:37 p.m.
Chortyk Replies to Lana Simon
Lana Simon -- Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 12:09 p.m.
Lana Simon Rebuts Chortyk's Response
Lana Simon -- Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 12:17 p.m.
AAS -- Friday, 18 June 2004, at 12:17 p.m.
WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE? The SPCA's idea of p.r. is to lie faster
AAS -- Friday, 18 June 2004, at 12:37 p.m.
From adoptable one minute, to an aggressive guard dog the next?
Emma Vandewetering -- Friday, 18 June 2004, at 8:05 p.m.
More lies from the SPCA in the Sun, but Amanda and volunteers tell the truth
AAS -- Saturday, 19 June 2004, at 9:58 a.m.
Is the SPCA doing assessments by phone and email?!
Emma Vandewetering -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 10:00 a.m.
Dog expert, Professor Stanley Coren, tells the truth!
AAS -- Saturday, 19 June 2004, at 10:00 a.m.
LIES! The SPCA sells highly dangerous dogs all the time! This is a personal vendetta and an out-of-control ego!
AAS -- Saturday, 19 June 2004, at 10:03 a.m.
The SPCA needs such a major overhaul of staff
Lori Cumiskey -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 8:43 a.m.
CEO, board of directors and any management who is involved in this fiasco should be fired or resign immediately
Jo-Anne Chambers -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 4:10 p.m.

Date: Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 10:19 p.m.

We are all meeting at the Delta SPCA on Saturday June 19th at 11:30. The address is 7450 80th Street, Delta.

I will be sending out a press release to the media for them to see us rally for the good guys!

Please make signs if you can, using good key phrases. Some examples below, please get anyone you know to be there.....

Key phrases:

Save Cheech
Down with Management
Keep SPCA workers who care
Amanda for CEO
Kirsten for VP
Troy is a Hero


If you need to reach me 604-833-4113.

MinPin & Shiba Rescue BC

AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 10:23 p.m.
AAS -- Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 10:24 p.m.
Write the SPCA Board of Directors and the CEO Craig Daniell: addresses here:
AAS -- Friday, 18 June 2004, at 4:26 p.m.
AAS -- Saturday, 19 June 2004, at 10:04 a.m.
AAS -- Saturday, 19 June 2004, at 5:37 p.m.
The Rally on Global Noon News
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 5:34 a.m.
CTV June 19/04 on the Rally
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 6:56 a.m.
Global News at Six: June 19/04
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 7:46 a.m.
The Province: Death-row doggie spirited from his cell
Lavone Zeviar -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 9:19 a.m.
South Delta Leader: Write them to ask them to do their job and print the rebuttals to the SPCA lies. They know what they are, we told them
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 11:10 a.m.
The Sun: June 19/04: Police search for dog set free by SPCA workers
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 11:14 a.m.

CAMP is NOT science - it is a business plan: In this thread we will prove it
Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 6:17 a.m.

In this thread AAS will be proving that the SPCA's assessments tests are junk-science, created in a panic after the Vancouver SPCA killed numerous dogs in 2002 and then lied on TV when it said they were all dangerous. Volunteers were able to expose that lie...the SPCA had been cleaning house, making space for the next delivery of "product" to sell.

The SPCA had to make sure that it was never caught with its pants down in the media this way it devised "scientifically impregnable proof" that a dog is aggressive. The media bought it, just as the SPCA intended, for quite a while. Cheech may just be the dog that makes liars of them all...again.

AAS researcher, Joann U. Bessler, M.Sc., has shown on this board exactly how CAMP is NOT science. The case of Cheech is the ultimate proof that there is no scientific rigour to CAMP, that it is blatantly subjective and is manipulated by those in power over the animals at the SPCA for the SPCA's benefit. (Read more: )

Further proof is all the dogs that were sold by the SPCA and then went on to be so dangerous that they had to be euthanized by their owners, and all the dogs that were sold by the SPCA even though they had bitten and had shown other behaviours much more risky than Cheech's.

Why was Cheech chosen to die? We will say again what Amanda and Kirsten have said publicly: Cheech had the temerity to growl at the manager, Michelle Rodgers, when she roughly treated him during a high-stress situation. From that moment the test that had been done initially by the SPCA, that was favourable to Cheech, was rewritten, this time by a large, uniformed male assessor who entered Cheech's kennel with an object, probably a broom, and when he did something with the object, probably poked Cheech with it (we have seen this done by assessors), Cheech panicked and bit the object. Cheech was probably hit with objects while on his chain, but almost any dog would have bitten an object being wielded by a big, uniformed stranger.

Rodgers is one of CEO "Daniell's Darlings", imported from the Ontario SPCA where Daniell comes from. The Delta SPCA has become less animal-centred since Rodger's installation. We suspect that Daniell is going to install hard-nosed animal-disposers in every branch. He has clearly indicated this by his promotion of people who best manipulate the media while best controlling soft-hearted employees. And some of the Board of Directors who were intelligent enough to see what he is doing have gone and are being replaced with people of low calibre such as Bonnie Bischoff of Kamloops, a CAMP assessor who tried to have killed many little puppymill dogs that Daniell had had seized, in spite of the fact that there were many offers from real rehabilitators in the rescue community who offered to foster them. (Read the details and see photos of this atrocity at

Cheech has never bitten, is a sociable dog with humans and dogs, and is an affection-filled puppy. He has only displayed behaviours that are common in chained dogs and he has only displayed them mildly.

The SPCA has sold dogs that are so dangerous they have be euthanized by their purchasers
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 6:24 a.m.
Why doesn't someone ask Chortyk this? Why did they release Odie the Doberman? *LINK*
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 6:47 a.m.
Doberman Rescue gets a reply from SPCA Director Kris Bowen
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 8:18 a.m.
Doberman Rescue replies and offers more evidence of dishonesty
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 8:20 a.m.
SPCA Director Bowen is very naive if she thinks she will change the BC SPCA
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 8:59 a.m.
Max would have failed the current assessment
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 9:53 a.m.
RSPCA test: No wonder the SPCA doesn't use it - it's too scientific and fair to dogs
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 10:00 a.m.
The BCSPCA has stolen a great concept and corrupted it!
Emma Vandewetering -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 10:09 a.m.
The day Cheech was saved was the day someone I know adopted a dog who had been returned to the SPCA because it had bitten two people in the few days
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 11:19 a.m.

Rebutting the Long List of Lies
Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 10:16 a.m.

Chortyk on the phone to a big ex-supporter
AAS -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 10:18 a.m.

"What an idiotic statement for Ms.Chortyk to make..."
Louise -- Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 11:49 a.m.

The SPCA's Spinmistress reveals the SPCA's spin on this: We're all "emotional" and the SPCA is "morally responsible"
AAS -- Tuesday, 22 June 2004, at 8:31 a.m.

Rebuttal: Chortyk is disgustingly and unethically invoking the name of a savaged and scarred child
Emma Vandewetering -- Tuesday, 22 June 2004, at 8:55 a.m.

Please write the SPCA Board of Directors and the media
Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 11:01 a.m.

Please write the SPCA Board of Directors and the media, tell them that you have had/helped dogs like or worse than Cheech! The SPCA is NOT backing down. They didn't give Cheech a chance or allow him to be in foster care, a trainer and many reputable organizations offered to give him a chance, even their own staff member offered!

You can write the CEO, Craig Daniell and the board of directors at: ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

The Media:;;;;

We can't let the momentum die. If Cheech is put down how many other dogs will die?
Thanks all!

MinPin & Shiba Rescue BC

Date: Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:04 a.m.

THE NOW: March 11/04: Looking for love in the wrong place *LINK* *PIC*
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:09 a.m.
THE SUN: June 19/04: Police search for dog set free by SPCA workers:REBUTTAL
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:13 a.m.
LETTER: We fully support Amanda Muir's actions in hiding this dog
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 11:35 a.m.
LETTER; I have been a regular donor to the SPCA for years and I think is about time you got some new judges
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 12:47 p.m.
They wanted him dead right away. "You guys are monsters!"
Emma Vandewetering -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 6:39 p.m.
SOUTH DELTA LEADER: June 18/04: SPCA staff 'rescue' dog slated to die
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:24 a.m.
GLOBAL NOON NEWS: June 19/04: The Rally for Cheech
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:29 a.m.
CTV NEWS AT 6: June 19/04: The Rally for Cheech
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:31 a.m.
GLOBAL NEWS AT 6: June 19/04: The Rally for Cheech
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:32 a.m.
Emma Vandewetering -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 6:16 p.m.
THE PROVINCE: June 20/04: Death-row doggie spirited from his cell
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:34 a.m.
LETTER: How can you charge a person with "dog theft" of the very dog you want killed?
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 11:37 a.m.
The underground Rottweiler railroad
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 11:41 a.m.
CTV NEWS AT 6: June 16/04
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:38 a.m.
CTV NEWS AT 6: June 17/04
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:41 a.m.
REBUTTAL: CTV News at 6pm June 17/04
Emma Vandewetering -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 6:11 p.m.
THE PROVINCE: June 18/04: SPCA volunteer on run with abused Rottweiler
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 5:43 a.m.
VANCOUVER SUN: June 21/04: Group rallies in support of suspended workers
AAS -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 11:33 a.m.
Shame on you Ms. Chortyk!!! No analogy could be further from the truth. Shame! shame!
D. Toews -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 12:45 p.m.
SURREY LEADER: June 22/04: SPCA "Dognappers" *PIC*
Carol Sonnex -- Tuesday, 22 June 2004, at 11:35 a.m.
Rebuttal: SPCA Lies about how many tests Cheech was given
Emma Vandewetering -- Monday, 21 June 2004, at 4:49 p.m.

AAS warned the SPCA Board of Directors repeatedly that Craig Daniell will destroy the SPCA
Date: Tuesday, 22 June 2004, at 6:09 p.m.

The only hope left is for the President and the CEO to be replaced by people who are more principled

Date: Friday, 30 January 2004, at 9:02 a.m.

Sadly, after years of saying that AAS does not want to destroy the SPCA, that AAS only wants the BC SPCA to become honest and animal-serving, we have to say that we no longer hope that under the current leadership, the BC SPCA President and Board of Directors, and the current CEO, Craig Daniell, that honest reform is going to happen.

In a recent conversation with BC SPCA President Rick Sargent, when we warned that his CEO may ruin the SPCA with rash, bullying, and unprincipled actions (most of them recounted on this board), and that the CEO's actions had caused the media to swing from unquestioning promotion to attacking and the point of no return may be fast approaching, we were answered that SPCA revenues increased in 2003, as though the only valid measure of success is the bottom line.

We warned Mr Sargent that one of the SPCA's seizures, made in the first place on very questionable grounds, and then pursued by the SPCA and its very expensive lawyers aggressively, spitefully, and dishonestly, may be the final revelation that will destroy the SPCA, and were answered that because Crown accepted the charge, it meant the SPCA was right. In the face of such ignorance and smugness, we gave up hoping for real reform from this Board.

What a shame. The SPCA has the infrastructure, the money, the public support, and in some places, still the media support.

Update: If members of the Board of the SPCA do not understand their legal responsibility, they had better talk to lawyers, because they are absolutely and unequivocally responsible for the unexplained millions of debt and the anti-mandate actions of their chosen executive.

It is the CEO that the Board has chosen (and must approve of) that has caused the SPCA to be on the defensive for the first time in its long history. It is being brought to its knees and humiliated, all because this Board has consistently made unwise, self-serving choices.

AAS still does not want the SPCA destroyed. But the only hope left is for the President and the CEO to be replaced by people who are more principled.

Where did the missing $6,000 go? Was killing a "hard to sell" pup a bottom-line decision?
Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 8:39 p.m.

The SPCA is going against it's own policy by ordering the killing of Cheech


Amended: January 1996


The BC SPCA supports the release of dogs and cats from Shelters for obedience training and rehabilitation. Animals, through no fault of their own, that would otherwise be unadoptable because of acquired, unfavourable behavioral traits deserve the opportunity to be retrained and subsequently placed in suitable surroundings where they can live out their natural lives once the rehabilitation program has been successfully completed.

The BC SPCA approves of such a rehabilitation program, with the following qualifications:

A licensed veterinarian has established that disease or medical complications are not the root cause of the behavioral problem.

Note, the vet who Amanda took Cheech to, refused to kill him

An examination of a program finds it acceptable.

The facility can guarantee reasonable standards of care and husbandry for the animals in their care.

The trainer has attained accredited credentials or has demonstrated skills in animal behavior and obedience training.

AAS offered to both Manager Rodgers and CEO Daniell to foster and rehabilitate Cheech. We have 10 years experience with dogs with far worse and ingrained aggression behaviours, our success rate is 100%, and we use trainers that are approved by the Delta SPCA.

The program does not extend beyond four (4) months.

Cheech was barely given 2 months, and it was at the shelter, not in a foster home.

Animals leaving the program are fully vaccinated and have been spayed or neutered.

In spite of Cheech being at the Delta SPCA for several months, and in spite of volunteers raising $6000 during that time to pay vet bills for animals at the Delta SPCA, he was still not neutered. The $6000 did not go to pay off outstanding vet bills, it disappeared into Head Office coffers. When unpaid vets raised this with the volunteers and the volunteers asked Craig Daniell, he told them that he didn't know where the $6000 went. We think that killing Cheech was a bottom-line decision: keeping unsellable dogs costs money: killing them cost $3.38 plus tax in euthanyl.

Animals are not subjected to unusual or unnecessary invasive procedures, over and above routine medical procedures.

Animals not amenable to rehabilitation are humanely euthanized.

The rehabilitated animals are adopted to caring homes.

Provision is made for follow-up evaluation after adoption.

Unadoptable for the purposes of this policy, means unmanageable, or the animals has unacceptable behavioral traits which are not correctable.

Animals displaying aggressive or vicious behavior should be carefully assessed before being placed in the program.

SPCA policy permits dogs with aggressive or vicious behaviour to be placed in foster/rehabilitation - not that Cheech was either of those.

Rehabilitation for the purpose of this policy means restoring the animal's behavior to a level that it can socially interact with people or other animals and is not a risk.

Liability - The Society assumes no liability for an animal's actions while it is in the rehabilitation program.

Then the SPCA should do as Dr Stanley Coren (UBC animal expert and world-renown dog behaviour expert with several books that have been on the New York Times best-sellers list) suggested, and have Amanda sign a waiver releasing the SPCA from any liability.

Chortyk is disgustingly and unethically invoking the name of a savaged and scarred child
Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 6:03 a.m.

Chortyk said:

We have had several people involved in Cheech's rehabilitation efforts and case management, and also, which is why we brought in so many people to be part of the rehabilitation attempts.

AAS has already established and proven that Cheech was assessed twice only, yet Chortyk continues to imply there was a group of people involved.

There have been numerous situations since he has been with us where he has shown a dangerous level of aggression towards people at the shelter.

Numerous situations? There is no record of Cheech ever having bitten anyone. And the only incident where Cheech may have reacted in fear and tried to protect himself, was during his second assessment with Barry McKnight, who was using an object, probably a broom to poke Cheech with, and had Cheech cornered in his kennel.

His behaviour is unpredictable -- he is very friendly in some situations but then turns on other people with no provocation.

Cheech growled at manager Michelle Rodgers when she grabbed his collar and handled him roughly during a stressful situation, but he did not bite. Then Cheech reacted out of fear when Barry McKnight entered his kennel and possibly poked him with a broom. No provocation? It would seem that the only time Cheech did react was when the SPCA provoked him.

You may recall the case of Shenica White -- the teenager who was mauled by two dogs in Vancouver last year. The very next day the same dogs involved in the vicious attack were very friendly, wagging their tails and giving kisses. This is the kind of unpredictable behaviour that Cheech has exhibited.

This is down right dirty and unfair. Chortyk is disgustingly and unethically invoking the name of a savaged and scarred child to try and win the public's support. Cheech has never attacked and bitten anyone! And to say that his behaviour is unpredictable is also a lie. The SPCA has admitted they knew Cheech's buttons, and they knew that strange men and foreign objects would make him react, and he did. I'd say that given the SPCA's prior knowledge about Cheech, he acted in a very predictable manner.

Mad scientists and the SPCA
Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 6:51 a.m.

We know too well what some scientists have done to animals for over a hundred years. While invoking the ideology of "scientific purity", animals have been cooked, skinned, and operated on alive, injected, paralysed, isolated to madness, blinded, caged, and tortured in more ways than a wholesome mind or a feeling heart can bear to think of.

The SPCA is using the "pure science" scam to fool the media who then help to fool the public. It hired Nadine Gourkow as its "science-speak" person after if became horrifyingly clear to the SPCA that the internet and brave insiders meant it would no longer get away with its decades of secret killing that so successfully saved money and freed up space for more dogs that might be more sellable.

Here is what the SPCA has to say about Gourkow:

BC SPCA's Shelter Dog Management (SDM) Program - Part 1
Nadine Gourkow, Manager of Animal Welfare Research, BC SPCA
Dr. Rebecca Ledger, University of British Columbia
Nadine and Rebecca (Ledger, another of the SPCA's "scientitists") were part of the team that worked collaboratively to develop the SDM Program at the BC SPCA. The System is rooted in scientific knowledge about dog welfare, human/dog relationships and community health. It promotes a team approach to decision-making that weighs the welfare of dogs, adopters and the community while considering equitable distribution of resources to all shelter dogs. (She earned) a bachelor of education with a minor in social work at the University of Calgary, after moving to Canada. She also holds a masters in animal science from UBC, and is currently a PhD candidate in anthrozoology at the University of Southampton in the UK. (Vancouver Courier: Sept 16/02.)

considering equitable distribution of resources to all shelter dogs.

There it is...the real reason for dog assessment tests. Since there are no paid rehabilitators at the SPCA and since it's ruthlessness drives away volunteer rehabilitators and good staff such as Amanda Muir and Kirsten McConnell, the "resources" it boasts of are almost non-existent. It's final and often-used "resource" is the needle which a great money-saver.

There was never any confidence in the decision makers of the BC SPCA, even from its own front line staff!
Jo-Anne Chambers -- Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 11:09 a.m.

Frank Greenfield only gave Cheech to the SPCA after they promised not to hurt his puppy
Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 2:12 p.m.

CTV NEWS AT 6: June 17/04

Pamela Martin: The SPCA is refusing to back down from its decision to kill a beloved dog, but the dog-lovers who have kidnapped Cheech won't say where they're hiding him. Tonight police are considering charges while Cheech's former owner is weighing in. CTV's Renu Bakshi reports.

Renu Bakshi: Frank Greenfield used to have two dogs, Kimmick a Shepherd Akita cross and Cheech a Rottweiller Lab. But in April the SPCA took Cheech away.

Frank Greenfield: Cheech would run off. He'd go down the beach or something like that or go next door and bother people.

Renu Bakshi: Frank says Cheech had a mean bark, but he never bit anyone. Frank cried when the SPCA took him, but he was assured Cheech was in good hands.

Frank Greenfield: They said that "no" they wouldn't put him to sleep. They would take care of him, and that's what he assured me of.

Renu Bakshi: Well, the SPCA changed its mind. Cheech is now on death row. Frank can't understand it and neither can SPCA employees like Amanda Muir.

Amanda Muir: He's wonderful with other dogs. He's extremely playful. He loves women and he just has.....he's a very affectionate guy.

Renu Bakshi: The manager who ordered him destroyed paints a much different portrait.

Michelle Rodgers: Basically, Cheech has displayed some aggression issues that obviously the organization is concerned about.

Renu Bakshi: But they'll have to find Cheech first. Amanda and her friends abducted him yesterday and won't tell anyone where he is. Amanda says she knows dogs. Last year she almost lost both arms when a Rottweiller attacked her. She was hailed a hero. Just two weeks ago Delta Police honored Amanda for her role in that dog attack. She held the Rottweiller back, protecting a number of school children from being attacked. Now, Delta Police are investigating Amanda for theft.

Constable Sharlene Brooks Delta Police: We're working through that investigation and attempting to locate the dog and return it to its legal owner.

Renu Bakshi: When and if Cheech is found the SPCA says the kill order will stand. They say they tested him and he failed.

Michelle Rodgers: We can't adopt him out knowing that he has the potential to bite. We don't want people in the community being injured.

Renu Bakshi: All dogs have the potential to bite.

Michelle Rodgers: Absolutely. This has been proven. If something occurs which is threatening to him, whether a male walk by or if somebody is holding something that is threatening to him, that's when he responds negatively.

Renu Bakshi: If you show up in front of a dog with a rolled up news paper knowing this dog has a history of abuse how do you think he would react? How would you react?

Michelle Rodgers: Well by no means is the assessment performed in that means.

Frank Greenfield: I don't think he should be put down.

Renu Bakshi: The SPCA motto is, "We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves." That's what Cheech's supporters say they're doing. Renu Bakshi, CTV News, Delta.

Pamela Martin: The SPCA has suspended two of its employees for their role in Cheech's disappearance.

Chortyk on Cheech's "attacks"
Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 2:56 p.m.

From an ex-SPCA supporter who had this phone conversation with SPCA spinmistress Lorie Chortyk on June 17th. the full conversation is at

Chortyk said Cheech has lunged at children's throats several times during his time at the SPCA. I asked if there were any lawsuits against the SPCA re this. She said no. She said Cheech has viciously attacked several people during his time at the SPCA. I asked if there were any lawsuits against the SPCA re this. She said no. She said that was because they were all SPCA employees that he attacked. I asked why Cheech wasn't put to sleep if he had lunged at children and viciously attacked people while at the SPCA. She said they were trying to give him every chance possible.I asked if she had ever witnessed Cheech attacking someone. She said yes

Cheech's SPCA file has no record of an attack on a child's throat, or for that matter, an attack on any child, or for that matter, an attack on anyone, man, woman, child, dog or cat. Not even a bird. As for Chortyk witnessing an attack - when was she at the Delta SPCA? No one has seen her there, not during the time that Cheech was there.

Here's some more lies about attacking so blatant that it takes your breath away...

"His behaviour is unpredictable -- he is very friendly in some situations but then turns on other people with no provocation (you may recall the case of Shenica White -- the teenager who was mauled by two dogs in Vancouver last year" (Letter to Lana Simon, North Vancouver Friday, June 18, 2004)

"Unfortunately, all the assessments have shown it was becoming increasingly aggressive around men and children." (SURREY LEADER: June 22/04)
One trumped-up assessment, done by a large, uniformed male, carrying an object, probably a broom stick, unknown to Cheech, who cornered him in his kennel, and who may have poked Cheech with the broom stick, unsurprisingly found that Cheech was a monster who could never be unleashed on the women and children of Delta and Cheech's doom was sealed.

"It's kind of like saying 'We have a sexual predator, but if you sign over, you can take him into your kindergarten class.'" (Vancouver Sun, June 21, 2004.)

What can you say about a woman who would say this except Shame on you!

Surrey Leader: June 23/04: 'Cheech' case prompts call for review of SPCA article
Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 4:04 p.m.

By Dan Ferguson
Staff Reporter

A fight over the fate of a Delta dog facing death has prompted a call for a municipal review of SPCA practices by Coun. Robert Campbell, who says the "Cheech" affair calls into question the group's policies on animal euthanasia.

When two SPCA staffers spirited away the young Rottweiler-Labrador-cross from the Delta shelter last week to prevent the dog from being put down, the agency called police and suspended the staffers, one of them Amanda Muir, who is still recovering from a 2003 attack by another dog.

Campbell filed notice Monday that he will seek a vote to have the municipality's annual contract with the SPCA reviewed as well, saying he's personally offended by the agency's refusal to consider anything except putting the dog down.

"This thing really bothered me," Campbell said. "It's pretty heavy-handed."

Campbell thinks a review of the municipal contract with the SPCA is long overdue.

"They keep coming back to us, asking for more money," Campbell said.

"Maybe it's time we put some pressure on the SPCA."

Campbell says the agency should have a "clear no-kill" policy if it wants to keep the municipal contract.

His proposal will be considered at the next meeting of council.

Meanwhile, Cheech remains in hiding, with Muir refusing to reveal his whereabouts.
She disputes the Delta shelter assessment that the dog is dangerous, saying the animal can be rehabilitated.

Please write and thank Delta Councillor Robert Campbell
AAS -- Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 5:46 p.m.
AAS letter to Mayor Jackson and Councillor Robert Campbell
AAS -- Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 6:08 p.m.
Letter from Emma Vandewetering
AAS -- Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 6:21 p.m.
Letter from Donna Toews
AAS -- Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 10:46 p.m.
Letter from Lana Simon
AAS -- Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 10:50 p.m.
Letter from Carol sonnex
AAS -- Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 10:52 p.m.

Is Craig Daniell destroying the SPCA's relationship with local and the provincial government?
Date: Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 9:56 a.m.

Has BC SPCA CEO Craig Daniell crossed the line? Is he destroying the SPCA's 100 year old good relationship with the provincial government? For a hundred years government's relationship with the BC SPCA was trouble-free and no work. A few complaints here and there, once a decade a flurry of complaints, but the SPCA always "took care of it". Even when the complaints started to get serious - for example, organized demands for the government to make the SPCA produce the audited statements that the law requires and which the SPCA has never produced - government sided with the SPCA which caused it so little trouble for so long, and let the SPCA get away with it.

But eventually a wheel that is squeaky enough is going to be looked at to see why it is squeaking so loudly. The SPCA has revealed itself more clearly to the public than even before by its determination to kill the puppy Cheech. Municipalities such as Delta are calling for inquiries. The City of Vancouver does not trust the SPCA anymore. The City of Burnaby took action against the SPCA for its cruelty at the Burnaby branch. Coquitlam and North Vancouver District councils wised-up several years ago. Everywhere, local government is taking a clearer look at the SPCA.

And all because of one man's bullying and arrogance, CEO Craig Daniell, and one staggeringly stupid board, the Board of Directors of the BC SPCA.

Write Your Local and Provincial Government and Ask Them to Investigate the BCSPCA
AAS -- Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 10:38 a.m.

DELTA OPTIMIST: June 23/04: Dog can be tamed, supporters say *PIC*
Date: Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 10:58 a.m.

Dog can be tamed, supporters say

by Matthew Hoekstra

Nearly 50 people, and a host of canine companions, rallied in front of the Delta SPCA shelter Saturday in a show of support for two suspended workers who clutched a dog from a management-ordered death.

Amanda Muir and Kirsten McConnell, the two employees being investigated by police for theft, joined the group, which waved signs and chanted "give Cheech a chance" for TV news cameras.

SPCA officials ordered Cheech, a Rottweiler-Labrador cross, be destroyed last Wednesday after deeming it a risk to public safety. But with the help of a volunteer, Muir and McConnell whisked the dog into hiding.

Supporters of the puppy believe the guard dog can be tamed, but the SPCA believes Cheech is beyond rehabilitation, saying its fear-based aggression could lead to a dangerous attack.

Rally organizers say Saturday's event was also meant to highlight a flawed system used by the SPCA to test animal behaviour.

"I think their statements are absolutely wrong," said Mia Riback of the SPCA, who has walked Cheech as a volunteer. "He's a puppy. I have pulled that dog's tail. I've grabbed him by the cheeks. He walks with my dog, who's a doberman, and I've never, ever seen any sign of aggression from him."

Riback worries that other SPCA dogs could face the same fate.

Muir sent a letter to managers Wednesday night, asking them to reconsider their decision after she sought a second opinion from a local veterinarian, who told Muir she "didn't feel comfortable" with euthanizing the dog.

"We just wanted some more time to work with the dog," said Muir.

Kathy Gibson, a dog trainer with Custom Canines who specializes in serious behaviour problems, disputes the SPCA's system of testing.

"Twenty different people could do the test and get 20 different answers," she said.

Without having seen Cheech, Gibson believes the dog could be rehabilitated because it's still a puppy.

"Anything under a year cannot be assessed as aggressive to the point of needing to be destroyed. It's a baby and it's doing baby things ... and it's not doing anything that cannot be easily adjusted," she said.

Gibson is calling on the SPCA to combine expert opinions with its assessments.

"It seems to me that there should be more people involved in the decision-making process," she said.

Animal Advocates Society president Judy Stone, who attended the Saturday rally, said the SPCA assessment is "junk science." She accused the society of using it as a way of keeping shelter costs down.

But the SPCA defended its assessment program. Spokesperson Lorie Chortyk said it's among the best in the world.

She said the decision to destroy the dog was made after four people conducted two assessments, which Cheech failed with "off-the-charts" aggression.

According to the SPCA, Cheech scored a 10 out of 10 in aggressive behaviour. Chortyk noted two Mastiff-Rottweiler dogs that viscously mauled 14-year-old Shenica White in Vancouver two years ago scored between a four and five on the same scale.

Chortyk said she empathizes with Cheech's supporters, but said the SPCA would be derelict in its duty to let a dog with "the highest likelihood of mauling someone" go free.

"We're not happy to euthanize any animal. But when we know the likelihood that that animal is going to be a serious threat to the public, I truly don't understand why people would think that's a good thing for us to put that out in the community."

Craig Naherniak, the SPCA's general manager of humane education, said the series of tests, called Dog Temperament Assessment 4, are highly advanced and the result of years of work.

In the first test, the assessor approaches the caged dog aggressively, staring it in the eyes. Cheech retreated and cowered, the sign of a fearful dog, said Naherniak.

In the second test, the dog is approached submissively. Cheech showed signs of fear-based aggression, he said, by backing away and lunging at the assessor when his back was turned.

"Our assessor barely got past the cage far enough before the teeth hit the cage and he was just missed being bitten."

During the third test, the assessor enters the cage, talks gently and approaches the dog with a grooming brush. Naherniak said Cheech lunged and bit the brush once it was shown.

The test was repeated, he said, producing the same result.

"In the 18 years that our assessor has worked with dogs, this is the most fearful dog that he has had to deal with," said Naherniak, declining to name the assessor.

And while some believe Cheech can be rehabilitated because of its age, Naherniak said clinical evidence for dog behaviour indicates the opposite.

He said if a young dog shows extreme aggression, the source is likely genetic, not learned, meaning the dog could become more aggressive in the future.

The SPCA asked Muir and McConnell and other witnesses to the dog theft to meet management yesterday to discuss a possible resolution.

Naherniak contradicts Chortyk
Cindy Elmquist -- Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 1:51 p.m.

CTV News at 6: June 24/04: SPCA's "assessments" exposed for what they are - frauds
Date: Thursday, 24 June 2004, at 8:18 p.m.

Bill Good: For more than a week Cheech, the dog, has been on the lam. His supporters took him from the Delta SPCA after management ruled he's dangerous and ordered him killed. Tonight CTV's Renu Bakshi has obtained copies of the SPCA's own behavorial assessments of Cheech. And you can judge for yourself whether the documents contradict the agency's claims.

Renu Bakshi: He's marked for death but nowhere to be found. Not by the SPCA. Not by Delta Police. Even the people who took him will only say Cheech is safe. For more than a week the SPCA has argued that the Rottweiler Lab cross is dangerous, a puppy that can turn on people.

Nadine Gourkow: The high propensity for this dog to unfortunately to be aggressive and probably be aggressive towards the most vulnerable.

Renu Bakshi: The SPCA says it can back up that claim with a behavioral test that included running with the dog and staring at him while he's caged.

Nadine Gourkow: There were some attacks. There were some threats from the dog.

Renu Bakshi: But it turns out Cheech was tested three times by the BC SPCA. CTV has obtained the written results of two of those tests and guess what? Cheech passed. Both times. Not according to the SPCA.

Nadine Gourkow: One was simply stand in front of the cage and look at the dog, which some dogs obviously will respond and feeling that this is a threat.

Renu Bakshi: How did this one?

Nadine Gourkow: This one showed very high fearfulness. He was in what we call the red zone.

Renu Bakshi: Not according to this he didn't.

Nadine Gourkow: Yes.

Renu Bakshi: You're talking about watching the dog in the kennel?

Nadine Gourkow: Yes.

Renu Bakshi: It shows no fearful behavior. No threatening behavior. That contradicts what you just told me. In fact, one assessor who's an SPCA animal control officer made this recommendation: "I feel in time Cheech will come around just as the other concerning dogs we had did, but he needs to get out of a kennel/confinement environment first." Basically, he's says this dog has a chance. You're not giving him that chance.

Nadine Gourkow: No.

Renu Bakshi: The SPCA says they're relying on the third test, the one Cheech failed, the first two tests simply don't count. Even though the assessors performed the exact same evaluations.

Crowd (last Saturday): Give Cheech a chance.

Renu Bakshi: Despite protests against Cheech being destroyed, the SPCA's order to kill him still stands. But they'll have to find him first. Renu Bakshi, CTV News.

The cracks are beginning to appear: SPCA Director Gregg resigns
Date: Friday, 25 June 2004, at 5:37 a.m.

BCSPCA Northwest Regional Director Phyllis Gregg has just resigned.

The SPCA is doomed by the criminally culpable idiocy of the various boards of directors
AAS -- Friday, 25 June 2004, at 5:58 a.m.
A death wish cannot be stopped
AAS -- Friday, 25 June 2004, at 6:02 a.m.
Who else should go - right now!
AAS -- Friday, 25 June 2004, at 6:18 a.m.
More nominees for the door
AAS -- Friday, 25 June 2004, at 9:36 a.m.
NEW: Dr Jamie Lawson is a popular favourite
AAS -- Saturday, 26 June 2004, at 4:32 a.m.
The irony of Craig Daniell's words
Emma Vandewetering -- Friday, 25 June 2004, at 10:48 a.m.

South Delta Leader: June 25/04: I took Cheech *PIC*
Date: Friday, 25 June 2004, at 2:10 p.m.

By Daniel Pi and
Dan Ferguson
South Delta Leader

Troy Hannafin said it was a spur-of-the-moment decision he made that saved Cheech from being euthanized by the Delta SPCA last Wednesday, June 16.
A four-year volunteer at the shelter who coordinated the Saturday dog walks, Hannafin said when he learned about the young Rottweiler cross's fate, he knew the shelter had made the wrong decision.
"All it takes is two minutes with this dog and with one pat on the head...The puppy comes out of him," he said, challenging assessments by the SPCA which concluded the 10-month-old former guard dog could not be rehabilitated and needed to be put down.
Hannafin, who lives in Ladner, said when he went to the shelter last Wednesday, SPCA workers Amanda Muir and Kirsten McConnell were preparing to euthanize Cheech. They wanted to ensure that only women handled the dog, because it feared men-possibly due to past abuse.
"They were trying to do the thing humanely and trying to respect their (SPCA's) decision," he said. But, according to Hannafin, the shelter's manager said the dog would be euthanized by a male veterinarian.
Hannafin didn't want the dog euthanized at all, and says he took the dog and didn't come back.
"They (Muir and McConnell) did not make this decision," he said. "I'm the one that walked out with him."
Banned from returning to the SPCA, Hannafin said through handling Cheech during Saturday dog walks over a two-month period, he believes the dog can be rehabilitated.
Staff workers Muir and McConnell have since been suspended and a rally was held Saturday outside the Delta branch offices in the Tilbury industrial area, where about 50 people came out to support the suspended SPCA staff and Cheech. Muir and McConnell also took part in the rally.
McConnell met with SPCA management on Tuesday and Craig Daniell, CEO of BC SPCA, said he obtained a statement from her about her involvement. Daniell added they have yet to speak with Muir.
A month ago, Cheryl Thomas and her 19-year-old son Chris were interested in adopting a dog and saw and played with Cheech before he was to be euthanized.
"Chris was looking at this dog that ended up being Cheech," she said.
Without staff around during their visit, Thomas said her son entered the fenced-in area with Cheech and started to play with the dog. The dog was excitable, but at no time did Cheech turn aggressive to the 6-foot-3, 200-pound young man.
Assessments done by the SPCA have said the dog was becoming increasingly aggressive towards men.
Thomas said Cheech did jump up on her son but in a playful manner.
"He's a powerful dog, he would jump up, but he wouldn't jump up aggressively," she added.
The two returned the next day and asked to take Cheech for a walk and did not encounter any problems.
Thomas said she spoke with McConnell at the shelter and was told that with some rehabilitation, Cheech would be adoptable.
The SPCA is still seeking Cheech's return.
When asked where the dog is now, Hannafin said he passed the dog along to someone else, and is no longer aware of the dog's location.
"It was better for us to not know, but we do know he is in good hands."
The "Cheech" affair has also drawn the attention Delta Coun. Robert Campbell, who filed notice Monday that he will seek a vote to have the municipality's annual contract with the SPCA reviewed, saying he's personally offended by the agency's refusal to consider anything except putting the dog down.
"This thing really bothered me," Campbell said. "It's pretty heavy handed."
Campbell said the agency should consider a "clear no-kill" policy if it wants to keep the municipal contract.
Craig Daniell, CEO of the BC SPCA, said he welcomes the review, noting the Corporation of Delta would be doing its due diligence since the contract is going to expire soon anyway.
"I think that's fine, I'm not concerned at all."
The location of Cheech remains unknown.
Attempts to reach McConnell were unsuccessful.
When contacted by the South Delta Leader, Muir said she has been advised by her union, CUPE Local 1622, to cease speaking with the media.
Muir added she and McConnell have made arrangements to meet with the SPCA again next week for further discussions.

Messages In This Thread

Vote in the poll
AAS -- Friday, 25 June 2004, at 2:27 p.m.

GETTING THE "SCIENCE " THAT YOU WANT: Why the SPCA won't stop using CAMP or DTA4 or a test by any other name
Date: Saturday, 26 June 2004, at 7:50 a.m.

The SPCA has two money-making policies that mean it will kill many thousands of unwanted pets a year: unlimited surrender and pound contracting.

But because of the internet and thousands of animal rescuers now connected with each other, its days of killing all the sick or unsellable in secret are over.

It needed something to counter the growing exposure of its pet disposal business. It cobbled together CAMP (Companion Animal Management Program) and told the media it was science.

It's no such thing. If the SPCA has data to prove its statements that it is science it is being secretive about the data.

CAMP, and its latest incarnation, DTA4, in fact are highly unscientific, as proven conclusively by the SPCA's stumblebum antics over Cheech.

Its own first CAMP assessment passed Cheech, and weeks later, when Cheech was even better (but had growled mildly at the manager who was treating him roughly), a second CAMP test was performed, this time by a large, strange uniformed male who may have poked him with a broomstick while Cheech cowered in the back of his kennel. Cheech attacked the broomstick. The SPCA and the manager got the "science" they wanted and Cheech was doomed.

This scenario is played out every day at SPCA "shelters". It is junk-science, it is a perversion of science, it is fraud.

Messages In This Thread


NEW: "CAMP Scientists" Gourkow and Ledger are guest speakers at upcoming Let-Live conference
Emma Vandewetering -- Friday, 25 June 2004, at 7:05 p.m.