Animal Advocates Watchdog

An untenable position

May all beings be happy and have the

causes of happiness.

May all beings be away from sorrow and

the causes of sorrow.

May all beings never be separate from

the great happiness that is sorrowless.

May all beings leave attachment to dear

ones and aversion to others and live

believing the equality of all that

lives. (The Four Immeasurables: Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity)

Messages In This Thread

CCF Launches Global Campaign to Expose PETA's Animal-Killing Track Record
PETA's response to my letter
This is just a smear campaign to stop people from not eating meat
PETA does not need to be in the animal disposal business -- They choose to be
How do we partially support an organization that does wonderful work on one hand and kills unnecessarily on the other
An untenable position
