Animal Advocates Watchdog

The BIGGEST irony here is that they interview a BREEDER for the story

The BIGGEST irony here is that they interview a BREEDER for the story - to talk about over population of DOMESTIC rabbits. I can't believe the media didn't even put two and two together before they did the story.

There was NO mention of a creating bylaw that prevents pet stores from *selling* the rabbits to the people who then *dump* them. That would be BAD BUSINESS for the breeder. The topic was well avoided by her.

In typical breeder fashion, in order to "fix the problem" you must kill/cull/destroy the problem.....a problem she says is a result of careless human actions (perhaps breeding could be considered here?!!?!?)

And if she thinks two groups separated by same sex will fix the problem, she's delusional. First of all before doing that, they all have to be speutered. Unspayed females will fight and burrow out. Un-neutered males will neuter each other or worse, fight to the death.

How can someone, seriously, in good conscience know there is a rabbit problem, suggest killing them and yet continue to bring more into the world - many destined to become part of the problem once again somewhere down the road.

All of this just makes my head spin.

Messages In This Thread

Vernon: Bunnies hopping over to a new shelter
Interior B.C. cities on brink of bunny boom
The BIGGEST irony here is that they interview a BREEDER for the story
Kelowna is interested in a rabbit sterilization bylaw *LINK*
TRACS package to the city in support of a sterilization bylaw
