Animal Advocates Watchdog

East Coast Rescue Group Shut Down *LINK*

Celtic Pets Rescue was raided by the S.P.C.A. a few days ago, and what they found on the premises was a horrific display of animal abuse. Many people in my end of the country were shocked by this.

The founder and manager of the group, Zonda McIssac, seemed to many to be so compassionate, animal knowledgeable, and sensible. No one thinks that anymore.

Zonda told everyone that Celtic Pets only took in 12 dogs at a time (and no one that I've spoken to knew that she took in cats) but that was a lie. In reality, she was hoarding animals in extremely negligent conditions.

See the link for the news coverage on You Tube. This was also on the front of the Cape Breton Post a day or two ago.


Messages In This Thread

East Coast Rescue Group Shut Down *LINK*
Animal hoarding usually leads to neglected pets
A charge of animal-hoarding against a person who has not been diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist is injurious to that person's reputation
The Nova Scotia SPCA left the animals for a month?
