Animal Advocates Watchdog

Man wants answers behind skull inserted in his mailbox *PIC*

A local anti-trapping lobbyist who found a bleached wolf skull in his mail box is still waiting for an explanation from whoever delivered the insult.
February 6, 2008

Photo by Vince Fedoroff
Anti-trapping activist Mike Grieco displays the bleached wolf skull that was dropped into his mailbox.

A local anti-trapping lobbyist who found a bleached wolf skull in his mail box is still waiting for an explanation from whoever delivered the insult.

“He has to explain himself,” Mike Grieco insisted in an interview last week. “I know it was not a gift.”

“What was his real intention? Was it some sort of threat?”

Grieco filed a complaint with the RCMP after finding the skull in his mailbox.

The skull was left in the mailbox at Grieco’s Whitehorse home in mid-January. It was accompanied by a permit issued under the Wildlife Act authorizing trapper Frank Johnstone of Teslin to give away one bleached wolf skull as a gift.

Johnstone is declining comment on the wolf skull, though he and Grieco have exchanged heated opinions recently in letters published in the Star’s opinion pages.

Grieco is staunchly opposed to trapping as cruel and inhumane, and entirely unnecessary in modern times.

Johnstone staunchly defends trapping as a legitimate and humanely acceptable means of managing and utilizing furbearers, a renewable resource.

Grieco said the skull was more of an insult to the wolf than it was to him, and he’s not sure what to do with it now.

“I do not want to exploit it,” he said.

“Most of these animals were killed without sensitivity and I do not think they should be used for pen holders or something.”

Messages In This Thread

Man wants answers behind skull inserted in his mailbox *PIC*
Mr. Johnstone replied on Friday in a letter to the editor
What? NO CAMERA allowed on this fun trapline tour?...doesn't sound like much fun.
In civilized societies the hangman is out of a job too
It is flattering for Mike and I to have a poem written for us. *LINK*
