Animal Advocates Watchdog

Saving Pit Bulls from HSUS, PETA, and Michael Vick *LINK* *PIC*

No Kill Advocacy February 16/08 Newsletter:

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and PETA wanted to add the ultimate insult (death) to a life of injury (dog-fighting) for the dog victims of Michael Vick. Despite the recommendations of HSUS and PETA that they be killed, prosecutors allowed the dogs to go to No Kill adoption groups all over the country. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. And these pictures say it all. Where are they now? Click here to view a photo montage. (There is nothing graphic here, the photographs are pure joy.)

Reno News Gazette writer Mark Robison put it best:

PETA and the Humane Society of the United States lobbied to have all of the pit bulls killed. These organizations really need to be shamed for promoting death instead of life for rescued animals; their opposition to no-kill efforts is simply inexcusable.

Messages In This Thread

Saving Pit Bulls from HSUS, PETA, and Michael Vick *LINK* *PIC*
This is one dogfight that is going to be interesting to watch
My support for PETA withdrawn as long as it kills animals
