Animal Advocates Watchdog

When my mother was in her nineties, she started having a peeing problem

When my mother was in her nineties, she started having a peeing problem. She would quite often micturate in bed during the night. You know, I never once thought about "putting her down". Of course, I didn't own her.

Ping, who is Havanese and weighs about 8 pounds, pees in the house quite often. I don't know why. I could make some guesses, but that's not the point. I don't own him. I share life with him. I have never once thought of "putting him down".

I hazard to say that ownership of any living being is an impossibility. How I regard all living beings, other than myself, is based upon how I regard myself. If I consider myself expendable, I more than imply that all other beings are, as well, expendable. The obverse is also true and forms the basis of all genuine thoughts and actions.

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When my mother was in her nineties, she started having a peeing problem
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Like a stinky rag!
