Animal Advocates Watchdog

Paul is just stating the obvious - if you know the danger then you had better expect the consequences

It's not surprising that Elizabeth May made this move. Her and her so-called Green Party have supported this slaughter ever since they figured out that to get proper party status in the Canadian government you have to get the proper amount of seats. To get the seats you need votes, and like the rest of the MP's in Canada, they will do and say anything to get these votes, and Ms May is no exception.

It surprises me though that she was still a member of the advisory board of Sea Shepherd and wasn't tossed by Paul himself, but it's harder to get them out than it is for them to quit.

Paul's stature needs no redemption. Like Barry says - it's dangerous going out in wooden boats, trying to navigate in a sea full of ice that can crush a wooden hull in seconds and taking a mighty big chance at that in coming out of it alive. Paul was only showing the danger and not saying that humans are any less important than animals. If there was no hunt none of this would have happpened. Humans and seals would still be alive. This is what Paul was saying.

The seal killers know this but disregard the danger, a danger imposed upon them by the Canadian government. Paul is just stating the obvious - if you know the danger then you had better expect the consequences. Except the consequences for the baby seals is a brutal and inhumane death, yet not one politician mourns for them or comes to their defense.

Ms May is one of those politicians, seeking the votes and using both animal and human lives to get them. She might as well be on the ice bashing in skulls, or being on the Canadian Coast Guard ship sending sealing boats to the bottom of the ocean because in an indirect way it's all the politicians of Canada who know that this seal hunt is wrong but do nothing to end it. Ms May is no exception. More human lives and seals will die if this hunt continues. It's up to the Canadian government and it's politicians to end it and these losses. That was what Paul said and has always said.

Messages In This Thread

Elizabeth May, leader of The Green Party of Canada
Paul is just stating the obvious - if you know the danger then you had better expect the consequences
Paul Watson says "I'm Not Ready to Make Nice" *LINK*
Thank you for the words of comfort
2010 Vancouver Olympics a prime opportunity to protest Canadian seal slaughter *LINK*
Maclean's Magazine takes potshot at Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
