Animal Advocates Watchdog

While you may see cruelty at the track I see beauty and grace

I do not have any stats just what I know from being involved in horses and being connected to the horse world my entire life. While I do know about Utilitarianism, I also do not push my personal beliefs on others and believe that people should make choices for themselves and do what they feel is right in their hearts.

While you see horse racing as entertainment for humans I see it as an animal gracing me with it’s talent and heart. I have loved horses since the day I can remember, they are the most beautiful animal to me and I love seeing them run, while you may see cruelty at the track I see beauty and grace. I spent years working on the track, at show barns etc and know the ins and outs of it and just like any place there is the good and bad, just like dog owners there are good and bad. Where do we draw the line? I know PETA and many others screaming haven’t spent a day.

My horse entertains me daily, she and I have a hoot together, she makes me smile and laugh, she and I exercise together, she gets to be spoiled and I get to enjoy a love I have always had. Just as my dogs do with me daily.

As for horse meat well it’s not all coming from the track and in reality there are now farms breeding horses just for meat, people eat meat, as much as many folks want the world to stop it’s not going to happen. Do I think beloved pets should be going to the slaughter house? No, that’s why I choose not to sell any of my horses to the meat man but again, it’s a personal choice up to the owner, they have to live with that decision. There are few options to dispose of a horse but there are options, if one chooses to sell to the meat man, that is their choice, life is full of choices and I like others appreciate having them.

What I find interesting about this entire racing industry discussion is PETA jumped on it and many other advocacy groups but why are other horse industries ignored? Two horses died at Rolex, nobody said boo. Many horses are abused daily, many are starving right now, many are abused in other sports, why is the racing industry so focused on? How much money will PETA and others make off Eight Belles? When really they have done nothing for the horses, and many others have been working for them for years.

I don’t want to give up my horse, or my ability to have one, call me selfish, I love having her and I do right by her and couldn’t imagine life without her. That is my choice and I can live with it.

Mia Riback

Messages In This Thread

Slaughter of race horses on HBO as horse racing makes news
Not all! *PIC*
Any statistics re how many race horses are rescued?
While you may see cruelty at the track I see beauty and grace
Tweny years behind the scenes
I have fifteen years behind the scenes
I have worked for Olympians who have done things that aren't close to what I have seen on the track
I agree with Manny Phelps!
