Animal Advocates Watchdog

It is the internet's ability to rapidly and effectively expose the truth that will finally fell all tyrants, liars, abusers, and self-servers

The process of eliminating the inequalities of chance -- for example being born into a non-democratic society, being female, being a child, being non-white-skinned, or being a non-human animal -- has speeded up to the warp speed of the internet. It is the internet's ability to rapidly and effectively expose the truth that will finally fell all tyrants, liars, abusers, and self-servers. Perhaps unwittingly, but nevertheless inexorably, the internet will lead the public's perception to the ultimate truth: that you cannot eliminate abuse of any being as long as you permit the use of any being.

The law never leads and sometimes it has to be prodded with pitchforks to even move at all, but thanks to the internet and a history in the West of demanding and getting equality, the law will have to pick up its long black skirts and break into an unseemly trot to even stay within haling distance of the public's growing insistence on equality for animals.

Messages In This Thread

The pursuit of personal pleasure and avoidance of pain: Is there any such thing as a saintly animal rescuer?
When a critical mass is reached, all animal-use will be abolished
It is the internet's ability to rapidly and effectively expose the truth that will finally fell all tyrants, liars, abusers, and self-servers
AAS position on owning and using animals posted many years ago, many times
