Animal Advocates Watchdog

Move over meat-eaters or eat the Cruelty-Free Food bandwagon's dust!

Move over meat-eaters or eat the Cruelty-Free Food bandwagon's dust!

The next thing the public is going to understand is that you can't eat any animal products without causing the same pain and suffering as eating their body parts causes them.

It's on its way... you can see it coming. Only a short time ago the sense of despair, that animals' suffering couldn't be stopped, was an evil incubus which constantly rode in the backseat of most animal-lover's minds.

Now the justifications for using animals are only held by those still uninformed, or those incapable of understanding, that animals are not ours to use, not even "nicely".

Messages In This Thread

Oprah Tries Veganism as a "Cleanse" *LINK*
Be Like Oprah, Try a Vegetarian Diet Today! *LINK* *PIC*
Vegetarianism has been "anointed" by one of the most influential persons in the world
Move over meat-eaters or eat the Cruelty-Free Food bandwagon's dust!
PeTA: I Confess: Confessions From Animal Guardians *LINK*
