Animal Advocates Watchdog

PeTA: I Confess: Confessions From Animal Guardians *LINK*

Many caring people can look back at a time when they should have done more for an animal. Perhaps at the time, they felt they were just "too busy" or simply "didn’t know any better." Perhaps you used to confine your dog to a crate or chain them outside without realizing this was not what was best for them. Maybe you spent money at a pet store by purchasing a purposely bred animal rather than adopting a homeless one from your local animal shelter.

While we can't change the past, we can learn from it. All of us have the potential to liberate ourselves from our pasts and start anew by confessing our wrongs and beginning to improve the lives of the animals who are in our lives today.

Messages In This Thread

Oprah Tries Veganism as a "Cleanse" *LINK*
Be Like Oprah, Try a Vegetarian Diet Today! *LINK* *PIC*
Vegetarianism has been "anointed" by one of the most influential persons in the world
Move over meat-eaters or eat the Cruelty-Free Food bandwagon's dust!
PeTA: I Confess: Confessions From Animal Guardians *LINK*
