Animal Advocates Watchdog

I get my eggs locally

And they are humanely produced!! The boys are not killed if born, the girls are in wonderful shape, they get to run around the farm, scratch, be chickens and are lovely! I will take a photo for you! The best part is I see them daily as I keep my horse there. The older chickens who are done laying aren't killed, they move to the retirement coop, I am more than happy to get my eggs locally thank you and it's probably the most humane and wonderful places I know!!!!

If you look you can find wonderful people who truly care about their animals.

Messages In This Thread

No such thing as humanely produced eggs. Celebrity chef on YouTube shows how... *LINK*
"The Free-Range Myth" *LINK* *PIC*
I get my eggs locally
So they are happy, happy, until the axe falls
