Animal Advocates Watchdog

Selling Sick Animals: Pippin: Two Months in the SPCA With an Ear Full of Pus *PIC*

Pippin spent just over two months in an SPCA before we rescued him. He saw the vet the same day we took him out of the SPCA and the vet removed eight Q-tips FULL of pus from his left ear. The infection was so longstanding that the ear canal is no longer nomal. The vet who saw Pippin remarked that she was quite shocked at the severity of the infection.

Messages In This Thread

SPCA Uses CVMA Humane Standards to Bully Animal Welfare Groups and Breeders When Its Own Facilities Are Substandard
Craig Daniell's "Miracles in the branches" is that any animal survives the SPCA
Selling and killing sick animals: Dot survives the pestilent Surrey SPCA *PIC*
The cocker at the Surrey SPCA that was not allowed to be adopted by rescue and was killed *LINK* *PIC*
The little cocker killed by the Surrey SPCA:I couldn't take her, I wish I had
The little cocker that was killed by the Surrey SPCA: It's all a crapshoot with the SPCA
Sick animals with already compromised systems are vaccinated and put in with the general population
SPCA indiscriminately vaccinates all animals, even sick ones
Re: Selling and killing sick animals: Dot survives the pestilent Surrey SPCA
Billie: Hide or Perch Or...Sit in Your Dirty Litterbox at the SPCA Because Your Cage is so Tiny That You Have No Other Options *PIC*
Selling Sick Animals: Felicity: Another SPCA Survivor *PIC*
Selling Sick animals: Gwen: Hide or Perch or...lay catatonic with depression in your tiny SPCA cage *PIC*
The BC SPCA can't have it both ways. Either the CVMA kennel standards are official or they aren't
Selling Sick Animals: Alice: Another Cat Made Stressed and Sick by an SPCA Alcatraz *PIC*
Selling Sick Animals: Pippin: Two Months in the SPCA With an Ear Full of Pus *PIC*
Selling Sick animals: Jasper: bargain basement deals on dying cats *PIC*
SPCA actions are not only unforgivable - they are actionable
