Animal Advocates Watchdog

Lawyer Kim Roberts also said...

In 1992, Vancouver lawyer Kim Roberts also said, "There is no objective standard as to what constitutes cruelty, especially in terms of the animal's shelter. It's a very subjective kind of standard. No one has ever defined what in a legal sense what constitutes cruel treatment when it comes to animal care"

In 1997, after being told for years by SPCA employees, managers and even two CEOs, that they could do nothing for abused and neglected animals because the PCA Act wasn't strong enough, AAS sent documented accounts of egregious cruelty that the SPCA had done nothing about, using this excuse, to every MLA in Victoria, asking for specific improvements to the Act that would tighten up the definition of cruelty. We got across-party support. The CEO of the BC SPCA stopped it by telling the government that the Act needed no improvement. (See What's more the CEO, Douglas Brimacombe lied to AAS by telling us that the SPCA was "working with the government on strengthening the Act". We got a letter from the Minister responsible for the Act, saying it wasn't.

Has the SPCA stopped lying, which AAS has repeatedly asked it to do, the only thing that would silence AAS? No. Instead it is using hundreds of thousands of donator's money, meant for animal welfare, to harass and intimidate AAS into silence.

Messages In This Thread

People will at last be able to "speak" for the animals the SPCA silences
Lawyer Kim Roberts also said...
Starving animals nothing new to Eileen Drever
