Animal Advocates Watchdog

This is the kind of lie that means we still cannot trust the SPCA

In a April 30/04 letter to the Vancouver Sun from BC SPCA CEO Craig Daniell in response to Barbara Yaffe's article "A Prison Camp for Animals" in which Yaffe recounts how the Burnaby SPCA neglected a dog to death, Daniell says that the incident happened "several years ago".

It happened fifteen months before, when Daniell was in charge of cruelty investigations and Daniell denied to the employee and volunteer that he could charge the manager with neglect, saying the PCA Act only allowed charges to be laid against the owner of an animal when the Act actually says the SPCA can charge anyone in charge of an animal.

The employee and the volunteer can read and knew they were being lied to.

Daniell further lies in this letter when he says that the incident happened when each branch had its own board of directors and lower mainland branches did not have on-site managers.

Local boards were disbanded in November 2001, Daniell was hired in November 2002 and the incident happened on December 23, 2002.

Every branch has someone in the top position, call them what you will, manager or superintedent. The Burnaby branch was managed at the time by a long-time SPCA manager, and he is still gainfully employed by the BC SPCA.

Daniell also lied in this letter about SPCA euthanasia statistics, saying the SPCA has one of the lowest rates in North America when he had told Yaffe that the SPCA hasn't any euthanasia statistics. AAS has countless newpaper clippings where the SPCA quotes its statistics. But they don't add up, they contradict each other brainlessly, and there is no way to know if any of them bear any resemblance to the true figures, which many people with inside knowledge say are horrendous, and would shock SPCA supporters if they knew.

Messages In This Thread

Working on our legal defence... *PIC*
What is so funny is... *PIC*
What happened to the humane Vancouver SPCA directors who tried to have their executive switch to lethal injection?
What is the point of dragging this up?
An honest SPCA would not spend hundreds of thousands of dollars
We little rescuers are doing our dog-dangest best
Now, the main question I get asked is " What does the SPCA do?"
This is the kind of lie that means we still cannot trust the SPCA
