Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA surrender policy? What is it now?

I have a 7 year-old dog who has been with us for since he was a seven weeks old. All his life he has had problems with diarrhea. We take him to the vet and they give us antibiotics for him. The diarrhea stops but comes back every year. We got his stool and blood tested but there was nothing wrong. We buy his special hypo-allergenic feed from the veterinary clinic but it doesn't work. We've actually tried many kinds of feed but the diarrhea keeps coming back. This year, the diarrhea came, so we took him to the vet, and they gave us antibiotics. The vet guessed that the diarrhea is caused by allergies. But when the antibiotics was finished, the diarrhea started again. So we searched on the web and looked up some home remedies that we tried on him. It seemed to work but then the diarrhea came back. The vet recommended us to take the dog to see a specialist. But because the main working person in the family was sick and then was in a work-realated accident, we cannot afford to take him to see the specialist. But we cannot bear to see him suffer either. We phoned the SPCA, but they said they won't take a dog with so much problems. We want our dog to find a good home who can take good care of him. Can you help us? Thank you.

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SPCA surrender policy? What is it now?
This is an improvement over the SPCA silently taking your dog and, knowing his history, killing him almost immediately
