Animal Advocates Watchdog

Compassionate people should leave crabs off the dinner table *LINK* *PIC*
In Response To: SPCA cooks up tasty fundraiser ()

Crabs Feel Pain
Although scientists still have a lot to learn about the nervous system and pain response capacity of crabs and other crustaceans, some facts are clear: Crabs have well-developed senses of sight, smell, and taste, and science indicates that they have the ability to sense pain as well.7 Crabs have two main nerve centers, one in their front and one to their rear, and—like all other animals who have nerves and an array of other senses—they feel and react to pain.8

“Pain is a universal biological phenomenon in the animal world. It serves to protect an individual from internal or external adverse conditions. … It is, therefore, completely rational and biologically sound to state that crabs would be able to feel pain. Moreover, their behavior is consistent with this principle.”
—Dr. Nedim C. Buyukmihci, professor of veterinary medicine at the University of California, Davis

Animals who feel and react to pain have an evolutionary advantage, and it seems unlikely that crabs would have survived in their treacherous ocean environment without the ability to sense pain. In observing their behavior, it is clear that crabs’ responses to actions that would cause pain (e.g., being boiled alive) are similar to those of any other animal (i.e., they try very hard to escape).

Dr. Nedim Buyukmihci, professor of veterinary medicine at the University of California, Davis, explains: “Pain is a universal biological phenomenon in the animal world. It serves to protect an individual from internal or external adverse conditions. All animals studied to date have been demonstrated to have at least some means of responding to stimuli which would cause pain. Even invertebrates such as insects and earthworms have been shown to possess pain modulators which were commonly thought to exist only in vertebrates such as mammals. It is, therefore, completely rational and biologically sound to state that crabs would be able to feel pain. Moreover, their behavior is consistent with this principle.”

While scientists are still discovering more about these fascinating animals’ biology and behavior, compassionate people should give crabs and other crustaceans the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their capacity to feel pain and simply leave them off the dinner table.

Read more.

Messages In This Thread

SPCA cooks up tasty fundraiser
Crabs used for food are subject to killing methods that would warrant felony cruelty-to-animals charges if the victims were cats, dogs, cows, or pigs *LINK* *PIC*
My daughter is 12 and she refuses to even go into stores that sell live crabs and lobsters
Compassionate people should leave crabs off the dinner table *LINK* *PIC*
"Crabs demonstrate their remarkable capacity to learn and memorize visual features.” *LINK* *PIC*
I have never been at any kind of SPCA meeting, where food was served, that did not have some kind of meat
I've never seen the SPCA suggest that animals might not want to be killed and eaten
Whether it's a crab, a cow, or a chicken, it's not our right
The fish pain response is basically identical to the pain response system in mammals and birds *LINK* *PIC*
