Animal Advocates Watchdog

Declawing is bad enough, BUT what about the practice of cutting the cats' tendons?

Declawing is bad enough, BUT what about the practice of cutting the cats' tendons? Janet Kanahara, who does cat rescue for Royal City Humane Society, is at this time desperately trying to find a home for two cats with cut tendons. The owners, after doing this dirty deed, decided they didn't want them, and turned them in to the shelter. They had never cut the claws (which continue to grow), the claws had grown right into their paws, so they had to be taken to the vet to have this corrected.

Messages In This Thread

Court says California cities can ban cat declawing *LINK*
I asked my vet if he did declawing. He said yes, there was a demand for it
Are tendonectomy (tenectomy) or laser surgery more humane alternatives to conventional declaw surgery?
Sparky - as always, there is the odd exception
Declawing is bad enough, BUT what about the practice of cutting the cats' tendons?
Tendonectomies render the cat unable to use the front part of their paws
