Animal Advocates Watchdog

Money raiser for Canadian Breast Cancer Research Fund promotes eating beef - a cause of colorectal cancer!

Rodeo's anti-cancer message raises other health concerns
The Edmonton Journal
Published: November 6, 2007

Rodeo and beef go together like a burger in a bun. That's why the Canadian Finals Rodeo (CFR) runs alongside Farmfair International -- the "nation's largest showcase of purebred beef cattle."

This year's CFR will feature the Tough Enough to Wear Pink campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer. One wonders if this will this include making people aware of the latest report by the World Cancer Research Fund, which advises limiting red meat consumption and avoiding processed meat altogether.
Does the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) -- the beneficiary of the campaign -- not worry about the report because it only found strong evidence of a link between eating meat and colorectal cancer? Is that OK because it's not "their" cancer?

Does Tara Sergerie, Miss Rodeo Canada and official spokesperson for the CBCF, travel from one rodeo barbecue to the next telling people to keep downing those hot dogs because the link between breast cancer and meat isn't certain yet?

Such awareness-raising would be most reassuring.

Messages In This Thread

Money raiser for Canadian Breast Cancer Research Fund promotes eating beef - a cause of colorectal cancer!
Women who eat red meat every day are almost twice as likely to develop certain types of breast cancer *LINK*
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