Animal Advocates Watchdog

Are donors paying for these expensive lawyers when they assume contributions are going to help animals in need?

Thanks to Trevor Lautens for his column.

One has to remember that in Canada our whole legal system permits these SLAPP suits to continue. Rich groups and corporations can, and do, take full advantage of the situation. It's about time that legislation be introduced to stop SLAPP suits in Canada and to fine those who launch them large amounts of money. SLAPPs should never find their way into Canadian courts in the first place, in my opinion.

The judges and lawyers involved all know how much suffering is inflicted on people who have not been found guilty of a single crime. Clearly there is a financial interest in the continuation of this type of lawsuit or they would never be brought into court in the first place.

I will be sending Judy a $100 personal contribution and I hope that all your readers do the same thing. $25, $50 or any amount will help! Our society cannot afford to lose progressive voices.

I would like to know who is paying the SPCA bills in this case. Are donors paying for these expensive lawyers when they assume contributions are going to help animals in need?

Messages In This Thread

Trevor Lautens: The price of freedom and free speech mounts
Whose money is the SPCA using?
Is the BC SPCA suing AAS with my money? I can't get an answer
What does the SPCA think can be gained in destroying a small, grassroots animal rescue organization by forcing its president into bankruptcy?
The price of our free speech mounts as lawsuits such as this are kept hush-hush
The cost of this lawsuit is not shown on the SPCA's financial records
Are donors paying for these expensive lawyers when they assume contributions are going to help animals in need?
SLAPPs should never find their way into Canadian courts in the first place
My sincerest congratulations to all the defendants for withstanding all this terrible bullying
Most human animals have the wherewithall to end bullying
Every time somebody tries to stifle speech, they end up advertising it
