Animal Advocates Watchdog

I still use the word vegan to differentiate

I don't think that not having an animal killed for your meal is enough - hence I still use the word vegan to differentiate.
Animals suffer for far longer to provide us with dairy products and eggs, and there is just not room enough on the planet to have happy free range animals providing people with "healthy" animal products.
I am vegan at home, but still fall off the wagon when out.
Happily, a new raw food restaurant has just opened in Qualicum - all raw, all vegan. And the taste? Divine!

Messages In This Thread

Animal Person: How to educate animal welfarists who eat animal products? *LINK*
I have stopped calling myself vegan
Re: I have stopped calling myself vegan
I still use the word vegan to differentiate
Who keeps chickens so that they can be simply chickens?
I have kept free run chickens myself in the past
Mama, Baby, and Annie will live here until they pass over the rainbow bridge
What happens to those hens who are no longer productive egg layers?
When I see people at the checkout in the grocery store loading up with these commercial eggs and milk...
Chickens, like all sentient nonhumans, are treated as comodities for "our" use
