Animal Advocates Watchdog

For once I must take the side of C. Daniell

For once I must take the side of C. Daniell.
It is clear to me, that by "so called no kill" he means they do not kill, but euthanize to end suffering when the animal is beyond medical help.

He wants to imply, that this is what the SPCA does.

However and unfortunately, the BCSPCA has shown, that in some of their shelters, some times animals are killed, where euthanization would not be necessary.

So as far as this is concerned, C. Daniell had better revise his statement, or start acting accordingly and high time it would be.

Messages In This Thread

"When the SPCA must euthanize an animal, it is for the same reason so-called "no-kill" facilities euthanize animals" *LINK*
What is the SPCA's definition of "beyond medical help"?
What does Mr Daniell mean by 'so-called “no-kill” facilities'?
According to information we continue to receive...
Here is a list of real no-kill facilities in BC
Questions about salaries and litigation
Letters to the Sun *LINK*
For once I must take the side of C. Daniell
Parksville SPCA high kill stats don't support Mr. Daniell's statements *LINK*
