Animal Advocates Watchdog

Barry Faires, Lisa Hutcheon, and other writers on this board provide a wealth of insight

Does anyone here recognize the wealth of insight that is posted on AAS Watchdog? My beliefs and understanding of animal issues are constantly being challenged and refreshed and enhanced by the fantastic letters on this board.
My line of thinking goes in one direction and then someone's viewpoint takes me to an even deeper level of consciousness.
Barry Faire's writings on the 'suffering of sentience'; Lisa Hutcheon's connections of the human need to equate animals' suffering to human beings in order for society to truly understand abuse; many, many more brilliant and thought provoking messages which constantly educate all who read here - need to be printed and spread so much farther afield.
The lessons provided here could make such a difference in so many animals' lives and prompt thousands more people to truly fathom, as Lisa wrote: 'the truth of tragedy'.
Not long ago I was writing an interactive column in a newpaper about child abuse - people referred to me, jokingly (I hope), as 'the Ann Landers of abuse'. Wouldn't it be fantastic if this concept could be copied and our postings would be the basis for a column of this nature?
What a rich contribution to the world that would be. Thoughts, anyone?

Messages In This Thread

As a victim of rape and physical and mental abuse, I refuse to agree that my rights and needs should be above those of any other creature *LINK*
"In relation to them all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka. "
Barry Faires, Lisa Hutcheon, and other writers on this board provide a wealth of insight
Why does every tragedy in life have to come back to how a human suffers?
I have felt the same way Lisa does for a long time
Lisa Hutcheon's point brings to mind a further question: "Is their a purpose to suffering?" For animals...
