Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA door slammed in rescuer's face.

We are getting our message out to the public, one-at-a-time. It is encouraging to see the progress, but there must be a way to reach the masses.

My anger with the SPCA mentality was piqued once more this week.

A person had been fostering a tiny little poodle cross for just two days for a highly-regarded Vancouver Island rescue society, when he bolted out of her car and ran off into the bush. After searching for many hours, there was a report of a sighting of him from a nearby house, but he was so frightened that he couldn't be caught.

An appeal was made by the society to the Parksville SPCA for a trap, which could be baited and hopefully finally catch the little fellow. Their response was to deny the loan of their trap, stating that there were some vague 'legal' implications, in spite of this rescue group being long on the SPCA's approved list of rescue groups and in spite of this group taking many dogs off the SPCA's hands over the last few years. A second call was made to the SPCA to tell the story again and to try once more to secure a trap, but this time they were told by a second person that they didn't have any traps!

Fortunately, a trap was happily donated by the North Island Wildlife Recovery Association (another animal rescue group. At long last, after two bitterly cold days and nights, the little fellow was caught. Thankfully, he is back in the arms of his rescuers, where he is recuperating, curled up warm and comfy at last - no thanks to the SPCA.

Why would an organization -- that is well paid for their efforts-- not be part of the solution, instead of being part of the problem?

Frustration, thy name is BC SPCA.

Messages In This Thread

Long-time donor has written to the SPCA asking them how much money they are spending on this lawsuit
Only 400 Nanaimo SPCA members
SPCA door slammed in rescuer's face.
