Animal Advocates Watchdog

Run Boo Run!!!

Run Boo Run!!! Don't let the humans keep you from the freedom you rightiously deserve. If nature takes you because by some chance that you haven't learned any survival skills, then I say this is better than dying after a lifelong sentence behind a wire fence.

If the people who have tried to cage this wonderful animal had any sense then they would just let him go and let him decide is own fate as nature intended.

Messages In This Thread

Boo the grizzly engineers another great escape
Bruno the Bear saga ends with a gunshot
Run Boo Run!!!
Boo busts out, dodging unkind cut
Travesty of runaway grizzly Boo is more than any animal should bear
Give up Boo and accept your fate
Boo the grizzly bear has been spotted cavorting with a girlfriend in the Purcells
Allow traumatized bear to follow his instincts
If anyone has fought for their freedom and deserves to be free it's Boo. Leave him alone
