Animal Advocates Watchdog

Give up Boo and accept your fate

Give up Boo and accept your fate, this is evolution in action and you can't stop it. One day all the other species on earth will be wiped out or in cages. The ones in cages will be the ones we chose to eat or be entertained by or ridden or for some other purpose that makes money and amuses humans or serves some human purpose. We have done this from our human beginnings even turning wolves into dogs to protect and amuse and be our companions, so dog lovers, even the nice ones, are part of the evolutionary process of making every other species serve us or go. It will not be a world that I want to live in but I can see it coming. The bear that was shot in Germany was shot because it was a danger to humans and when there are no more real forests left because humans won't stop reproducing then every wild creature that is any danger to us will be killed or caged.

Face it Boo, you are worth money to these people and they will use the "danger" excuse to put you behind bars for the rest of your pointless life. As long as there are the self-absorbed masses who will pay to look at animals in cages, there will be animals in cages and you Boo will be one of them.

Messages In This Thread

Boo the grizzly engineers another great escape
Bruno the Bear saga ends with a gunshot
Run Boo Run!!!
Boo busts out, dodging unkind cut
Travesty of runaway grizzly Boo is more than any animal should bear
Give up Boo and accept your fate
Boo the grizzly bear has been spotted cavorting with a girlfriend in the Purcells
Allow traumatized bear to follow his instincts
If anyone has fought for their freedom and deserves to be free it's Boo. Leave him alone
