Animal Advocates Watchdog

it's the simple understanding and respect of all sentient beings as equals in the 'web of life' that will help create a better world

Many people choose to follow a vegetarian diet, or a variety thereof, for a number of reasons. Whether it's a concern for the merciless exploitation and suffering of animals, ethical or religious beliefs, our health, or concern for the environment, it's a lifestyle more and more people are moving toward.

So, we can discuss animal control, animal rights, and animal welfare, or whether humane slaughter is a contradiction in terms, but it's the simple understanding and respect of all sentient beings as equals in the 'web of life' that will help create a better world.

Compassion and kindness has no bounds and if we look at the big picture, perhaps as Thomas Edison said, "The best thing we can do for the planet is to become a vegetarian." And, by example we can influence others and effect change.

Messages In This Thread

Halifax SPCA to serve meat at fundraiser - write a letter
The SPCA is an animal welfare orginization, not an animal rights orginization
What part of this picture fits in with the concept of "animal welfare", let alone animal rights?
Animal welfare and animal rights are not separate terms
Here is a link that animal slaughter is not humane, no matter where
People talk about barbarism, terrorism, speciesism
The contradictions at the Board of Directors level cause a lot of contradictory statements by SPCA staff
it's the simple understanding and respect of all sentient beings as equals in the 'web of life' that will help create a better world
Concern for Helping Animals in Israel *LINK*
