Animal Advocates Watchdog

If one is disallowed from speaking and acting for the welfare of animals on our earth, speaking and acting on behalf of children and other innocents is not far behind

Dr. Amit Goswami, a quantum physicist, makes a powerful case for the concept that consciousness, rather than matter, is the basal foundation of the universe. Teilhard de Chardin, a cogent theologian, has conceived the notion that the earth has been through three distinct basal periods during its existence. The first, he calls the Geosphere in which the foundation of our plant was almost entirely mineral. The second is the Biosphere during which life originated, expanded and evolved. His last he calls the noosphere, in which mind or consciousness becomes the dominant exponent of our planet's existence. The two theories correlate nicely. However, consciousness, especially consciousmess of self, is very definitely inadequate without two further correlative necessities. These two were expostulated originally by Gautama Siddartha. They are awareness and mindfulness. Without these two there can be no morality, no ethics, not even any wisdom and compassion. It would be hoped by those of us who live in North America that the current leadership or our two countries would be rational enough to see the damage they are doing to our basic freedoms, to the foundations of wisdom and compassion.

If one is disallowed from speaking and acting for the welfare of animals on our earth, speaking and acting on behalf of children and other innocents is not far behind. Martin Niemoeller, a theologian during the Second World War has said, "First they came for the trade unionists and I did not object and they took them away. Then they came for the homosexuals and I did not object and they took them away. Then, they came for the Jews and I did not object and they took them away. Then, they came for me and there was no one left to whom to object."

Messages In This Thread

U.B. Bill proposed: the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) *LINK*
This legislation is designed to eliminate free speech, peaceful assembly, and even threatens freedom of the press
If one is disallowed from speaking and acting for the welfare of animals on our earth, speaking and acting on behalf of children and other innocents is not far behind
Civil libertarian group does not care because it's only about animals
U.S. court jails animal rights activists
I will not give up my "Freedom of Speech" without a hell of a fight
I vote with every purchase I make
