Animal Advocates Watchdog

General Jackson taught me more than any human teacher I have ever had *PIC*

Old dogs are wonderful! Old dogs who are in their last days are even more wonderful! General Jackson (a twelve year old dog abandoned because of a tumour) taught me more than any human teacher I have ever had. He was easily one of the most graceful (full of grace) beings who has entered my life. He entered my life and he will never leave it. There have been others since and they have all accomplished the same without even trying.

No animal deserves to die alone. No animal deserves anything from humans other than respect, the kind that allows them to be exactly what they are.

Carol's picture says it all!

Barry, Jackson and Duke

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One of the hardest parts of real Animal Welfare *PIC*
General Jackson taught me more than any human teacher I have ever had *PIC*
