Animal Advocates Watchdog

This is why compassionate people take matters into their own hands

This notice was posted on the Brindleweb messageboard:

Posts: 893
Location: Surrey
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:30 pm Post subject: Dog in Distress in Surrey


Dog in Distress near [address removed] in Surrey -The SPCA have been called but we can't get confirmation that they have attended the situation. Our attempts to get this dog indoors have failed.

This is supposedly an old white dog tie up with bleeding gums and pregnant and about to have pups any minute. No decent shelter.


When we saw this posting, we contacted the dog's neighbour to get the owner's contact information so that we could attempt to buy or be given this dog. We weren't successful. One member of the family was willing, but the actual owner, who didn't live in the house, came and took the dog away before we could get it.

Later that night was the severe snow storm when the temperature dropped to -10 or -15. The neighbour told us that the dog was huddled under a truck.

We were told positively that the SPCA did NOT attend even though they were told that it was thought the dog was about to give birth. A Surrey SPCA employee stated plainly the next day that they had not gone.

We tried so hard for two weeks after to get the information to the owner that we were willing to pay for his dog, but with no success. Another failed dog to haunt us forever.

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This is why compassionate people take matters into their own hands
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Re: How does "Lurker" explain this?
