Animal Advocates Watchdog

Anthony Marr: Now is the time to launch a similar campaign in the Boy Scout arena

Subject: Girl Scout duck-shoot CANCELLED, but Boy Scouts still killing for fun.
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 16:32:23 -0800 (PST)
From: Anthony Marr <>
To: Anthony Marr <>

Dear activists:

We can all use a victory once in a while. It is my pleasure to report this one in a campaign with wide-ranging significance.

A week ago, I had the displeasure to come across the following passage:
It has recently come to my attention that the Girl Scouts of Cannon Valley located in Northfield, MN, plans to hold an "Aim High for Girl Scouts Continental Shoot" at Traxler's Preserve on January 27 as a "fun" way for hunters to help raise funds for the Council. Approximately 10 ducks per person will be released for the shoot. A raffle and other games of chance are offered after the gourmet dinner included in the package.
This passage brought about the arrival at Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) of some 75 letters of protest from activists across the land, mine included.

In response to these letters, GSUSA wrote back, "This event was not sanctioned by GSUSA. We have expressed our concern and the council has agreed not to sponsor such an event in the future." This caused me to write back the following:

"... My immediate question is what 'in the future' means. Does it mean that the January 27, 2007, "Aim High for Girl Scouts Continental Shoot" at Traxler's Preserve will still be held, and for the second year in a row, inspite of our previous protestations? If the answer is "yes", we will not feel obliged to remain silent in spite, and in fact because, of our long standing respect for the boy/girl scout traditon. A press release has already been drafted, and will be sent out to local, national and international media on Friday, January 19, if by then the event has not definitely been cancelled..."

GSUSA responded that some $19,000 had been raised in Minnesota by the girl scout duck shoot, and therefore, it could not be cancelled.

Anne Muller, a leading activist in New Jersey and Maryland, called GSUSA, laying down that the damage would be far in excess of $19,000, and it would be national in scope, were the duck shoot in Minnesota to go ahead.

The Minnesota chapter of GSUSA wrote back, saying that if the HQ of GSUSA would ask the chapter to cancel the event, it would. Today, GSUSA did ask its MN chapter to cancel the event. This afternnon, we were informed by GSUSA that the Minnesota event had indeed been cancelled.

So, let's break open the pink champagne. But as we toast our victory, spare a glance at the following. Nothing has yet been done about this as far as I know. Now is the time to launch a similar campaign in the Boy Scout arena. The blue champagne has to be kept chilled, for now

Messages In This Thread

Girl Guides to raise money with a 'canned shoot'
Letter to the Girl Scouts
Event is cancelled
Anthony Marr: Now is the time to launch a similar campaign in the Boy Scout arena
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